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Author's note: hey guys ;) hope you're doing okay! Here is a new One Shot, I hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! There'll surely be a part two for this one ;)
Well I'm leaving you alone to read, don't forget: comments are always welcome xx

Everything was quiet in Lucia State Hospital until the door loudly opened. Mildred turned around to see what was causing this noise. What she saw was unusual. A woman in her 50's was brought to the hospital by two policemen, handcuffed, followed by many journalists. Mildred had never seen a scene like this one before in her whole career as a nurse. The woman was trying to protest but the two policemen were tightening her very close, forbidding her to escape. The journalists were surprisingly numerous, each one trying to have the best photo of that woman possible. Other policemen were trying to keep them away, out of the hospital. As the three people were passing in front of her, the woman looked at Mildred. The nurse completely got tangled up in the other woman's gaze. What was in reality three mere seconds seemed like hours for Mildred. She saw in that woman's eyes many emotions: betrayal, anger, sadness, frustration -and maybe the strongest one she thought recognizing- fear. When the woman couldn't look at her anymore, Mildred came back to reality. She sighed, trying to push away the weird feeling she was having towards that stranger.
Mildred quickly entered the room, right after Nurse Bucket's shoutings to come and give some help. She froze for a second, realizing it was the woman's room. She shook her head and came by the bed, helping the other nurses to maintain her still. Suddenly, Dr Hanover appeared in Mildred's field of view from she didn't know where. He administered her medicines through a shot in the arm. The woman, who was struggling and trying to escape her fate suddenly stopped. Two nurses held her and lied her down as all her muscles stopped holding her.
'Very well ladies' said Dr Hanover before exiting the room. Some nurses tied the woman up to her bed, as asked by the doctor. One by one, all the nurses exited the room too, leaving Mildred alone with Betsy.
'What did he administer to her?' she asked quietly while helping the other nurse to check on the woman's pulse.
'Some strong tranquilizers to calm her down' answered Betsy with a compassionate smile.
Betsy had quickly understood that Mildred was very attached to people's care. She wanted every single patient here to be treated the right way. Of course, some of them deserved their fate, but she saw in Mildred's eyes that the woman here wasn't where she should be. At the beginning, saying that Betsy and Mildred were not getting along was an understatement. But now they were friends, well at least that's what Mildred thought. After all, they had several girls nights as Betsy called them, wasn't it something friends do together?
Betsy stood up when she was done, and softly smiled to Mildred.
'We'll take particularly care of this one, Mildred, I promise.' she sweetly said.
Mildred didn't answer anything, thanking her through a shy smile. Betsy smiled too before exiting the room.
Mildred stayed a few minutes there, watching the other woman. She was blonde-haired, and Mildred remembered the ocean-blue color of her eyes. Her lips were slightly colored with a pale shade of red. She looked at her haircut. It was very messy but Mildred was perfectly imagining the haircut she had before she was brought here.
Mildred sighed. She got up and walked to the door. She was about to give one last glance at the other woman when she saw the file on the bedside table. No, she thought, don't look at it. But as per absolutely always, her curiosity was stronger. She took it and decided -after a hard fight against herself- that she would only look at her name.
Gwendolyn Briggs.
What a beautiful name. Just like her, she thought. She then put the file on the bedside table and exited the room for good.
'It was for me, a huge shock to discover that my assistant, my dear assistant, was affected by this persistent curse. I couldn't have imagined. She was so...normal. And yet she is possessed by a sadly too-common disease. All this proves that evil can hide, evil is everywhere.'
Mildred could tell he was lying. She had a sense for that. She simply knew he was lying. Her arms crossed on her chest, she frowned. The way that man was acting, the way he was talking about her new patient, made Mildred uncomfortable. She was almost sure he was happy to get rid of her. Everything about that man was disgusting. The way he talked, the way he took advantage of the situation, the way he was treating his 'dear' assistant internment.
We were four hours after Gwendolyn Briggs' arrival at the hospital and the governor, in his huge generosity, decided he would talk to the press. Speech at the same time on air in every radio of the state.
'But what this incident also proves is how competent we are. We were able to unmask evil in its finest way.'
Was he saying the finest way of evil to express was women? Mildred was sure now, he was disgusting.
'Again our state police were able to make the good decision and take action at the right time. That's why I want to thank them particularly.'
Mildred wanted to throw up.
'I also want to thank Lucia State Hospital's Dr Hanover who will take good care of Mrs Briggs and, we hope, cure her.'
That was enough for Mildred. She discreetly went back into the hospital and occupied her mind with some useless tasks.
Three days later, Mildred had not gone back to check on Gwendolyn. Truth is, she was scared to meet her and be disappointed. Yet this morning, Dr Hanover asked her to give Gwendolyn her first hydrotherapy. Even though Betsy and her had fought hard to convince him otherwise, they had no choice but to do it.
When they got into her room, Gwendolyn was still chained to her bed, looking blankly at the ceiling.
'Hello Mrs Briggs' kindly said Betsy. 'It's time for your therapy'
Gwendolyn emotionlessly looked at both of them. She didn't say anything for some seconds.
'Hydrotherapy right?' she finally asked.
'Yes' answered Betsy.
'Baths?' she then said, looking at Mildred's hands freeing her from her ties.
'yes' answered Mildred.
The red-headed looked into the other woman's eyes. She tried to tell her through her look how sorry she was for what was going to happen. Gwendolyn seemed to get the message as she kindly smiled at her.
They walked in silence to the hydrotherapy room. Betsy unlocked it with her keys and then held the door for both Gwendolyn and Mildred. The younger nurse opened the first bath and looked guiltily at her patient. The blonde understood so she got her robe off and got into the hot bath. Mildred locked the bath and Betsy started the hydrotherapy. Gwendolyn quickly started wincing. She didn't complain during the whole therapy but Mildred could see she was in pain. When Gwendolyn had been for 15 minutes into the hot bath, Mildred ran out of the room.
She couldn't breath, her thoughts were too numerous, too loud. She was overthinking and hyperventilating. Betsy quickly got out too.
'Mildred what's going on?' she asked, clearly concerned.
'I-I can't Betsy' she whispered through heavy breaths and sobs 'She doesn't deserve that it's not right... it's not'
Betsy took her chin in her hand and pulled it up.
'I know Mildred' she began once the other woman was looking at her. 'But we can't do anything about that, and you know it'
It didn't help her as another sob got out of her.
'Mildred, Mildred listen to me' said Betsy. 'I said we couldn't get her out but we can do something to make it easier for her... please Mildred breath. Breath and we're going to get her out of that bath' she said reassuringly.
Mildred calmed down slowly and when she was ready they got in again.
'Well Mrs Briggs it seems you now have two allies' said Betsy once the door was closed.
Two months had passed since Gwen's first hydrotherapy. Betsy had covered their 'meetings' because Mildred was working less and less, and was more and more with Gwendolyn. Mildred had spent a lot of time in the blonde's room, talking with her. And well -how to say this- she knew she should be a patient in that hospital for her increasing feelings towards Gwendolyn. She was head over heels for that woman. Her first impression was right: Gwendolyn was perfect. Nice, funny, intelligent, soft, likeable... Mildred could go on for hours. From Gwendolyn's side, it wasn't better. She had fallen hard and fast for the nurse. And yet, none had made a move. And she didn't want to make a move. She was a patient in a hospital for 'lesbianism'. She had tried for two months to make them believe she was getting 'cured'. Of course she wasn't going to tell her and ruin all her efforts. But what she didn't expect was for Mildred to show up one day and offer her to get out for one day, just the two of them.
'But how?' she frowned. 'I can't go out, Mildred.'
'I know you can't' she said, smiling. 'But I arranged it already.'
Gwendolyn raised a perfect eyebrow. She was giving her her 'and what did you do' look, waiting for her to answer.
'Nurse Bucket is my friend and the head nurse. She-she wants to help.'
'She wants to... help? Help for what?'
'Getting you out for a day' said Mildred, smiling, as if it was the most normal thing. 'We're living tomorrow at 8am. Be ready.' she winked before exiting Gwendolyn's room.
As she was staring at the just-closed door, Gwendolyn couldn't help but smile. She was getting out. Maybe it was only for a day, but it was a day with Mildred. And every moment with the nurse was good to take and Gwendolyn knew she was going to enjoy every second of that day.
8am precisely and Gwendolyn heard soft knocks on her door. She smiled while taking her coat. She had woken up early this morning in order to have more time to get prepared. She had chosen her clothes carefully: a blouse tucked in and a trouser. She wanted to feel comfortable and be her best self. She put her coat on her shoulders and opened the door. She smiled back at Mildred, who was smiling widely.
'You're ready?' the red-head softly asked.
'Yes, I am.' smiled Gwendolyn while closing her room's door.
Mildred then decided to lead the way out of the hospital.
Gwendolyn couldn't stop smiling. Mildred had been the perfect gentlewoman she had always dreamt about. They had spent the whole morning in an art museum. Gwendolyn had mentioned once, while talking with Mildred, that she was keen on Ancient Greece and all the cultural and arts stuff related to it. Mildred didn't know anything about it but Gwendolyn was so excited that she told her everything she knew about each and every piece of art in that museum. Seeing Gwendolyn that excited and happy made Mildred even happier than she thought she could ever be. Then they decided to buy some groceries to eat on a bench, facing the ocean. They had spent the major part of the afternoon near the ocean, walking and talking.
Now they were sat on the grass of a small hill, some 500 meters (≃1640 feet) away from the ocean, facing it. The wind was brushing on their faces and messing with their hair.
'And that's how I ended up with half of my hair cutted short. I was everything but proud the next day at school.' Gwendolyn finished, remembering one of her childhood memories. Mildred laughed slightly. She wished she had such things to tell her but her childhood was not what we call a happy one. Gwen noticed the sad look on Mildred's face so she decided to take action.
'Hey Mildred what's wrong?' she asked, softly stroking her cheek.
'I... Nothing' she answered looking down.
'C'mon Mildred' she added, lifting her head up with fingers on her chin. 'Why were you looking so sad?'
'I only wish I could tell you funny stories about my past too. Sadly it's not possible'
Gwendolyn knew that Mildred had not been happy all her life. When the nurse had first mentioned the topic, Gwen hadn't asked any question in fear of scaring her away. But at that precise moment, she felt like it was the time to be honest with her.
'It's okay you know. We didn't all have the chance to have a happy childhood and good parents. I don't care whether you had a happy or a harsh childhood. What matters now, is the moment we're having together. Don't you agree with me Mildred?'
'I-I do' she shyly answered. 'Thank you' she said after a while. And before Gwendolyn could ask why, she added. 'For being so patient and supportive with me'
'Oh' sighed the blonde-headed. 'Anytime dear.'
They stayed silent for some time, they didn't know if it was minutes or hours. They were simply watching the ocean and smiling at each other, enjoying the moment. Suddenly, Mildred spoke.
'I was an orphan' she began. 'My mother decided she didn't want to be one anymore and gave me up. I was ten.'
'You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to or if you're not ready Mildred, I promise' interrupted Gwendolyn.
'I know, I just... I really want to tell you.' she smiled at Gwendolyn before going back to the ocean. 'I was placed in different foster homes. They all abused me, physically and mentally. I-I met a boy in one of the homes. He was the only one being nice to me. We quickly bonded. I'm not sure I would still be alive without him. His name was Edmund Tolleson. One day, a woman who affectioned us particularly made up papers, saying we were biological siblings so we would never be separated. She was our guardian angel. But one day she placed us in a home. She thought they would be the perfect parents we needed. Nothing went as planned. There was a stage for puppet shows in the house. I used to love that so much. But I quickly realized the stage was for us.' She took a deep breath. 'They forced my brother and I to perform sexual acts on each other in front of other people, laughing and enjoying the show. I don't know, maybe we stayed there three weeks or maybe three years-I don't know. It seemed like eternity. One day Edmund decided we had to escape from that hell. So we made up a plan. What I didn't know was that he had planned on killing them before leaving.' The few tears were now sobs and Gwendolyn slid her arm around the other woman's body to comfort her. 'He yelled at me to run and leave this place. And that's what I did. I left him behind. I don't know what happened there next but I never saw him again.' She took a deep breath, still looking at the ocean before leaning her head on Gwen's shoulder. Neither of them spoke for two minutes. 'After that I was placed in an orphanage, I never went in any other foster home ever after. I tried to move on with my life and waited for my eighteen birthday to go out. Then I got a job in a bar to pay for the nurse formation I was taking at the same time. And -well- you already know what's next.'
Gwendolyn slowly stroke Mildred's side with her hand, giving herself time to make the best answer possible.
'Wow' she finally said. 'I wasn't expecting that at all. I knew you've been through hell but-geez Mildred you're so strong. I mean-when I first met you I knew you weren't the happiest of women but after everything you've been through, I can tell you're doing very very good Mildred.'
'Y-you really think that?' shyly asked Mildred, moving her head up to watch Gwen.
'Of course I do!' answered the oldest, watching her right in the eye. 'I don't even know how you live with that. You really are strong Mildred. And I'm proud of being part of your life.'
Mildred smiled. It was the only thing she was able to do at the moment. She gathered all her strength and slowly, she got closer to Gwen's face. It was the only thing she wanted to do now. Once their mouths were really close, she looked right into the other woman's eye, trying to know if she was making a mistake or not. But Gwendolyn closed her eyes and erased the gap between them. The kiss was soft and gentle. But for both of them, it was the beginning of a new story. They knew it wasn't going to be easy but for each other, they could do anything.

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