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A/N: this one's a bit different from the series (just like my last one in fact lol). Enjoy!

Mildred yawned. It has been an awfully stressing day. She had worked all night long. And the governor's arrival to discuss the expansion of the hospital —and the funds needed— caused a lot of tumult in the hospital this morning. Right now, she was in the nurses' room, having a tea. Suddenly the door opened and the governor's assistant walked in. The blonde woman opened the fridge and took out of it a bag full of food. She turned around and jumped when she saw Mildred.

'Oh' she sighed, a hand on her heart. 'I didn't see you there'

'Sorry' apologized the nurse, smiling amusingly.

'No worry.' Gwendolyn walked closer 'Can I sit with you?'

'Yes, of course'

Gwendolyn sat and got things out of the bag.

'Why are you smiling, Nurse Ratched?' she asked, smiling too.

'Nothing, Mrs Briggs' said Mildred, clearly trying not to smile.

'Hm. What a shame I don't believe you on this one' she said playfully and over dramatically.

'It is, indeed' laughed Mildred.

Oh my god, what is happening to me? thought Mildred. What is she doing to me?


She had worked all night and all day. She was exhausted.

She had spent lunch with Gwendolyn, and she felt exhausted just by the other woman's presence. The politician had made her laugh during all her lunch. She had never felt this good in another person's presence. She couldn't stop smiling and laughing, and she turned red at least five times in less than half an hour. Saying she was confused was an understatement. It was exhausting to contain herself in front of the other woman.

After that, the governor —and thus Gwendolyn— joined Dr Hanover in his office to discuss. Mildred never saw Gwendolyn again.


3 days later

She finished tidying her stuff, took her car keys and left after a last check. She went to her appartement in the city center.

She quickly ate a bologna sandwich and sat down with a good book. She read for at least one hour when she suddenly got the need to go out. She couldn't sleep right now and she knew it. Her body was way too clear with her. So she put on a nice dress and got in her car again. She knew exactly the right place to go. She had found this 'hole in the wall' —like she liked to call it— two months ago while driving without any purpose through the forest. Since that day she only came three times but every time it was a great evening on sight.

She arrived and parked in front of the bar. She walked through the door and went directly to the bar to order her first drink. She turned around, trying to find a spot to sit. She quickly spotted an empty table and walked to it.

A couple of minutes passed before she noticed the other woman. She first saw her at the bar, ordering a drink and talking to another woman. Why is she here? What is she doing in a women's bar?

Suddenly Mildred's eyes opened wide.

Everything made sense suddenly: the woman's gaze on her all day long, her constant smile when she looked at her, the tension between them... She remembered wondering why she was feeling wanted and attracted but now, everything was clearer. She was into women, she was flirting with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2020 ⏰

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