Just great...

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After my 8 hour flight and my long car drive to my dad's house all I wanted to do was take a shower and sleep. I was excited to see my father and his wife, who may I add is pregnant, but I wasn't ready to leave all my friends. But I sure in the hell was ready to get away from my mom and Uncle. N

It was 8pm and I just arrived at my dad's house, it is pretty big and really nice. Well here goes nothing, as I walk up to the front door I go to knock but it swings open and I get a huge hug from my dad.

"Hi honey, how was your flight? I couldn't wait til you got here I missed you so much." my dad said.

"I missed you too dad, and it was good, i'm really tired though I got no sleep because i was stuck infront of a little kid who wanted to kick my seat the whole plane ride here" I said annoyed.

Just then my step mother, Amy walked up and hugged me. She is 4 months pregnant and still looks amazing. "Sweetheart it's great to see you after so long, we missed you! But you look exhausted, Jerry why dont you go show her to her room!" Amy said.

Just then me and my father walked up the stairs carrying my boxes and my suitcase. We entered my room, it was beautiful!! The walls were purple, and it had grey carpet. I had a king sized bed with a purple and black zebra print bed set, a purple dresser, and vanity and my own bathroom.

"This room is amazing dad! You still remember my favorite color? I asked.

"Glad you like it baby girl, and of course I do, now get some sleep I'll see you in the morning." He said as he kissed my head and walked out and shut my door.

This is it, my new life, my new home, hopefully I won't have any problems making new friends. I put my suitcase on the bed, and headed to the bathroom, I grabbed a towel and turned the water on hot just how I like my showers stripped out of my clothes and got in.

After about 20 minutes of just sitting in the shower I got out and wrapped the towel around me and walked into my room, i walked over to my suitcase pulled out my cheetah print bra and underwear put them on then slide on a big white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. I put my suitcase under my bed to deal with tomorrow slid under the covers and fell right to sleep.

I woke up the next morning to the sun in my face, looked at the alarm clock it was 10:30 in the morning, and i smelt bacon. I got out of bed and walked downstairs and seen my.. well you could call her my mom pretty much, she has done more for me than my real mom.

"Morning mom" I greeted.

"Morning Sweetheart, how did you sleep?" She asked.

"Like a baby, what you cooking?" I said feeling hungry as i sat on the stool at the island.

"That's good, and I am making, eggs, bacon, and sausage" she said.

"Well it smells great, im starving" I said with a chuckle.

We sat there for a little bit just chatting about everything we could think of, nothing really important. Then my dad walks in. Kissing me and my mom.on the head and greets us with a good morning and steals peice of bacon. My mom smack his hand with a spatula and tells him to wait, but he lifts her up and carries her away.

"You guys are so cute and gross!" I yelled.

Then they both come up and give me a bunch of kisses all over my face, and i wipe them away and laugh. My dad goes into the living room and turns on the news.

"Breakfast is done" my mom yells.

She makes our plates and I pour us all a glass of milk and set up the table. We sit down and eat together, it quiet for a minute but then my dad starts talking.

"So you start school tomorrow" My dad said.

"Don't remind me" I replied

"Oh honey you will be fine it's your last year, your a smart and nice young lady you will have no problem making friends, and your beautiful so you will have no problem getting a boyfriend." My mom replies with a smile.

"A boyfriend! He will have to go through me before he dates my little girl" my dad said

"Oh lighten up Jerry she is almost 18 she is gonna date boys whether we like it or not." Mom says.

"Okay.. well even though this conversation is great I need to go unpack my stuff, thank you for breakfast and entertainment mom and dad" I said with a smile and I head upstairs to my room.

I enter my room and close the door and turn on some music on my phone, I listened to Waiting For Superman by Daugherty, god I love this song. I put my suitcase on my bed and start putting all.my clothes in the dresser and closet. Then I go to the boxes, I pull of a picture of me, my mom and what was my Uncle til I cut him out.

Even though I am mad at my mom I still miss her, I put the picture on my bed side table and get to my make up and start to set it up on my vanity along with all my hair pieces. I can't believe I start school tomorrow, i thought to myself I am so not ready for this. By time I got done unpacking everything it was 7pm and my dad had just called me down for dinner.

We sat there and ate dinner, We had lasagna, garlic bread and cottage cheese, it was amazing. Then my parent's told me that they figure out the gender of the baby tomorrow which is probably the only good thing that comes out of tomorrow. After dinner, I head up to bed and go to sleep.




My alarm clock goes off, I press the button and get up and go take a shower, I get out of the shower, blow dry my hair, and have 45 minutes til I have to be to school. So I choose my outfit, I decided to go with black skinny jeans with little rips on the legs, i flowy tube top, and my white jordans. Next I do my hair, I curl it all and pin a little bit of hair on each side back. Then for my makeup, I put a light shade of cover up, outline my eyes with eyeliner, choose all white eyeshadow and throw on mascara. I took a look in the mirror and I looked gorgeous! Maybe today wasn't going to be so bad after all!

"Jessica come down we have a surprise for you!" My dad yelled from downstairs.

I grabbed my bookbag and headed downstairs. "What is it dad?" I asked.

"You look beautiful baby girl" my dad said and kissed my head.

"Go look outside" my mom said.

I walked outside and I couldn't belive what I seen!

Okay so this is my first book on here.

I had so much fun writing it, please tell me what you guys think.

It is about to get better trust me so don't go away(:

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