Chapter 5: Amortentia

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"Today you'll be working in pairs to concoct a mystery potion and the first team to finish will be awarded 50 points to their respective houses" Professor Slughorn said and picked up a parchment.
"Now, for the pairs:

Ada Zabini and
Sean Thomas-Finnigan

Juniper-Nicole Scamander and Noel Greengrass

Albus Potter and Haley Gray

Taylor Parkinson and Alice Longbottom

Jessica Snow and Trey Goyle

Last but not least, Scorpius Malfoy and Rose Granger-Weasley"

Scorpius and I groaned at the last sentence.

"Professor, there clearly must be a  mistake. I can't possibly work with Malfoy."

"I'm afraid not Miss Weasley. You and Mr. Malfoy will make a wonderful team. I assure you."

Rose scowled and turned towards her desk.

"Weasley c'mon, I'm not that bad of potioneer. Infact I'm at the top of our class after you" Scorpius said with a smirk

"Look Malfoy! Let's just get the work done and not talk about anything other than the potion. Now go to the storeroom and get the materials"

"Ok Weasley, but only if you say 'please'. " He stated with a grin


"Fine then I won't get the materials" he said sitting on the chair crossing his arms across his chest.

She mumbled 'you insufferable little git' under her breath.

"Please Malfoy" She grumbled

"Now was that so difficult"

Rose glared at him, her face crimson.
Scorpius held his hands up defeatedly and went to get the materials.

About 20 minutes later they were the first in the class to finish concocting the potion.

Slughorn walked by their table and said "Well done! Miss Weasley and Mr Malfoy, now Mr Malfoy can you please tell me which potion this is?"

Scorpius bent over the cauldron and scowled at Rose.
"I can't smell the potion over all that bloody perfume you're wearing"

Rose, who'd already guessed the potion by looking at the ingredients, turned a shade of deep red and responded. "I'm not wearing any perfume today!"

"Huh! But- "

Professor Slughorn watched with an amused expression.

"Miss Weasley, can you please tell us which potion this is?"

Rose said "Amortentia" inaudibly.

"A little louder please Miss Weasley"

"Amortentia sir"

Scorpius and Rose both blushed profusely as their classmates snickered.

"Oi Scorp! Rosie's perfume ey?" Albus said nudging his best mate.

"Very well, 50 points each to Slytherin and Gryffindor. You may both proceed to your common rooms"

They both carried their things, blushing and scurried out of the class without looking eachother in the eye.


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