Chapter 15: Study group

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A/N: This is a Scorbus Oneshot. Scorpius, Rose and Albus are best friends and in their 6th year.

Scorbus relationship status: It's complicated.


"Al, come on! Your grades are dropping and the NEWTS are coming up too." Rose whined at her cousin

"Rosie, calm down! The NEWTS are next year, for the love of Merlin!" Albus groaned

"So what! Mum always says that it's good to be ahead of your schedule."

"Of course she does. She's Aunt Mione!"

Scorpius who was behind Al said "It's alright Rosie. If he doesn't want to join our study group, he doesn't have to."

"W-wait! Scorp, you're in the study group too?" Albus asked, with a change of tone.


"So now you're going to join?" Rose asked with a smirk

"Uh, yeah! If he's there I won't get bored. Um-I-I mean... Nevermind."

The other two burst into fits. Scorpius put a reassuring hand on the flustered Potter's shoulder and said "It's alright Al."

Scorpius was amused at how easy it was to make his best friend blush. Ever since they shared a kiss about a month ago, Al'd blush almost every time he saw his friend.

Rose checked her watch and said
"Oh! It's a quarter to 6, I have Quidditch practice. See you boys later"

They said their goodbyes and the two Slytherins walked side-by-side to the dungeons.

"Why are you so quiet Al?"

"I'm not quiet, you are!"

"Are ever talking about what happened that day?" Scorpius hinted

"What happened?" Albus asked, even though he knew exactly what he was talking about.

Scorpius wore a hurt look and said "Nevermind"

The rest of the walk was silent and the two boys didn't say a word to eachother after reaching their dormitory.


The next morning was a Saturday. Rose, Scorpius and Albus walked to the Room of Requirement.

The people who were already there were- Lorcan, Lysander, Alice, Roxanne and Acacia Wood.

Scorpius and Albus decided to share a loveseat but Rose plopped down on a beanbag across Acacia.
(A/N: Hehe, See what I did there 'loveseat')

The whole time, Scorp and Al were quizzing eachother on Potions and played footsie.

They were the first ones to leave. Al tripped on Rose's bookbag but Scorpius helped him up. They walked out hand-in-hand. Everyone else looked at eachother  and tried not to squeal in excitement.

"How oblivious is Al?"

"He's a Potter! What do you expect"

"True! Lily still doesn't know about Sander's crush" Lorcan replied

"Shut up Lor! Hugo's no different"

"Hugo, ey?" Rose asked with a smirk

Lorcan turned beet red before glaring at his twin.


"We can't do this anymore!" Scorpius exclaimed

"Do what?" Albus said stopping.

"We can pretend like we never kissed and don't deny the fact that you liked it. I know that we both enjoyed it."

"Okay" Albus answered

"Okay? That's all?"

Albus placed a chaste kiss on the blonde boy's lips.

"I love you Scorp. Not as a friend. I have actual feelings for you. I didn't bring it up because I was scared of getting rejected."

"I love you too Al." He kissed him back with a smile on his face.


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