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Yibo internally chuckled seeing the man's face turned beet red. "N-Nonsense! I'm still a virgin! It's for my soulmate!"

Yibo raised a brow then shrugged "It's true. You bit me so many times the night before. And we slept for two nights in a row"

Xiao Zhan heaved a sigh of relief but his blush remained "S-Speak properly! S-So misleading! I-I'll go make breakfast!"

He then stumbled out of bed and wobbled around due to the sudden headache, then slowly made his way out.

"What's wrong with me..." Yibo mumbled. Why did he speak so much and tease someone else? He wasn't even in the mood to do so. Yibo sighed and got up.


I freshened up and went to the living room just to smell an amazing smell. Breakfast was laid out on the table.

There were pancakes, sunny side ups and sausages. I did not have an appetite but I couldn't help but drool. I have to admit his skills are good enough.

But he is too powerful. Good at cooking, good at talking, good at being silly, cute and charming.

What else is he good at? I'm curious.

I would have totally fell for his trap if not for my experience. I secretly thanked my parents for letting me see the real world.


Ahhh, I just can't look at him. How embarrassing. I can't believe I was the one who bit him all over.

And we slept cuddling each other for 2 nights! Wait... cuddling? Is that counted as cuddling?

Forget it, but why is he just staring? Is my food not good enough? It smells and looks fine to me...

3rd Person's POV

Yibo sat down and Xiao Zhan quickly sat opposite him. Yibo started eating and he couldn't stop.

'Since when pancakes are so fluffy and delicious? And these eggs and sausages are perfect' Yibo thought.

Xiao Zhan watched as Yibo gobbled up the food, smiling to himself. Who wouldn't like it when others enjoy the food you make?

"Yibo" Xiao Zhan called and Yibo looked up. How nice it sounded. He then glared. Didn't Xiao Zhan call him Mr Wang? Now that Yibo lets him in he calls him Yibo?

"Yibo,..." Xiao Zhan hesitated "Are you really... going to... commit suicide? If I'm not wrong... I think you mentioned that last night"

Yibo internally rolled his eyes at this silly boy "No, I'm not" Xiao Zhan heaved a sigh of relief and smiled "You scared me! I was still wondering what made you think of that"

"My brother... My parents got rid of him" Yibo blurted, not knowing why he did. "G-Got rid?" Xiao Zhan stammered.

Yibo nodded and added "Killed", making Xiao Zhan widen his eyes and gasp. Xiao Zhan looked around, a little paranoid.

"A-Are they... coming after you too?" Xiao Zhan whispered and Yibo let out a small smirk "Probably, since I don't want to listen to their orders"

Xiao Zhan poked Yibo's arm "Yibo, shouldn't we tell the police? I kind of feel like we are in a mystery thriller"

Yibo was quite surprised Xiao Zhan wasn't one of those who immediately assumed things and say 'Then listen to your parents!' and was even more surprised that he said 'we'. Now the issue became both of theirs?

But Yibo internally rolled his eyes ans replied "They are rich enough to bribe the whole world. What makes you think they can be put in jail? And do you think others will believe they will kill their own child?"

Xiao Zhan pouted "Why not? I have heard about many cases where parents kill, rape and sell their child"

Yibo scoffed "Do you not know who my parents are? With their identity and status, no one would believe unless there is very solid evidence"

Xiao Zhan scoffed back "Am I supposed to know your parents? You've never introduced them to me. And please don't! Not after hearing they got rid of their own son..."

Yibo frowned "Are you a human? You don't know who I am?" Ahhh, he must be going with the innocent approach, the 'I don't know who you are' approach.

Xiao Zhan frowned "Hey! Was that an insult! And I know! Mr Jiang told me you are Mr Wang Yibo. How else do you think I know what to address you as?"

"You only know my name?" Yibo asked and Xiao Zhan smirked "No, I know you have a brother, who your parents killed and you are handsome but cold, fierce, uptight, neat freak and sometimes unreasonable"

Yibo frowned as he thought to himself 'I know I am handsome but was it necessary to add 5 insults behind?!'

Yibo sighed wondering why he was even in this conversation when he flinched as Xiao Zhan placed his hand on his.

"I know what it's like to lose someone you love and depend on, even if I don't understand fully. But, I seem to be older so you can call me Zhan Ge and come to me when you have problems, okay?"

'Shit!' Yibo exclaimed in his mind. He is doomed. He fell for this guy's trap already. How he knows? His mind and heart told him so.

Yibo tried to maintain his cool and took back his hand "Boring..." Xiao Zhan flashed his bunny smile and Yibo sighed, knowing he was trapped again.

Xiao Zhan got up "I'm going for my part-time work. Need anything?" Yibo frowned "I'll pay you for doing the cleaning and cooking"

Xiao Zhan shook his head with a bunny smile "No, I'm already grateful to be able to stay here. Besides, how can I take money from you. You must be a high school kid"

"I'm not a kid!" Yibo snapped and Xiao Zhan chuckled "Whatever", ruffling Yibo's head before leaving.

Yibo sighed once more 'I am doomed. I keep falling for his trap over and over again...'

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