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I used to keep your picture in my pocket,

Print your name on my jacket like a locket.

Scared to lose you, like a cherished ticket,

But you discarded me, like a useless trinket.

Once, I was the reason behind your smiles,

Now, I watch from afar, through miles.

Hoping to mend our shattered tiles,

Dreaming of walking with you down the aisle.

I thought I'd never worry when I was with you,

But it seems I was just passing through.

Imagining our love would bloom and grew,

Instead, I'm left in endless blue.

When can I say I'm truly yours?

Where's your promise to wait for my vows?

The moment I said "I love you" out loud,

You asked me to let you go, so proud.

You pleaded to end this tangled chapter,

I hoped your love for me would still capture.

Maybe we weren't meant to be together,

I wish I were her, my dear, forever.

I struggle to calm this growing fear,

Please, my love, answer me clear.

Did my feelings for you even appear?

Where's your promise to hold me near?

You shattered me, left me in pieces,

I miss your smile, the joy it releases.

How do I bring back those happy days?

Now, I'm trapped in this dark maze.

I miss your voice, that once charmed my heart,

Our theme song, "Treasures," now torn apart.

Where are our dreams, how they depart,

Was our love too unsure, right from the start?

When can I revive those memories sweet?

When can this pain and ache retreat?

When will I escape this endless night?

Am I forever doomed to this plight?

I'd rather choose solitude over pain,

Than chase after another moon in vain.

Was loving you just a lesson to gain?

Where do I find the right one to remain?

If love only brings sorrow and pain,

Tell me, should I dare to love again?

Am I destined to forever remain,

Lost and alone, forever in the rain?

I'm sorry, but I must close this last chapter,

Hoping someday, my heart will be stronger.

One day, I'll love again without fear,

Thank you, my love, it's over, my dear.

Silent Scribbles | TearsilyneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon