Not you

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It was the end of the weekend and Vernon came home to a shaking Harry. He wasn't used to not having alcohol in his system and they were the only calories he got most of the time. His uncle laughed as he poured whisky into Harry's mouth. Harry gulped it down greedily and Vernon pulled out a knife and cut the rope away from him. Harry didn't mean to but he fell off of his chair and onto the floor. The knife twisted as he fell and Harry gasped. It felt so relieving to feel it again. The ache wasn't enough for Harry anymore. He needed the pounding, the slicing, the burning. He needed to feel like his life was slipping away.

Vernon thrusted the knife in and out of Harry's half healed wound, cutting through scabs and scar tissue. Vernon had tried with his might to kill Harry but for some reason Harry would never die. But Vernon seemed to enjoy having a rag to mess around with. Harry had never gone to school and had never left this home. He had barely left his cupboard either. He was in constant pain and agony, and only knew English from listening to his family talk. None of them cared about him at all, they just loved to see him suffer. 

He left the room, leaving Harry to bleed all over the floor, wishing for more. He hated this the most, the boring dull ache that was not met with a slash and a painful sting. Dull. From outside the room he could hear voices. Dudley.

"Dad? The gang is coming over today and I want us to have fun with Harry." Dudley told his father. Vernon lugged Harry up the stairs into Dudley's room and tying him to the bedpost. The air felt unfamiliar to him. It was bad smell free which gave Harry's nose a break. "Stay put. The boys will be here in a minute." 

It wasn't long before they came and the group hurried up the stairs. Dudley hung around with some older boys who ranged from thirteen to fifteen tops but Dudley was still the leader. Harry thought it was because he was the fattest but Dudley would disagree. Dudley told his gang to beat him as best they could. Dudley had a razor in his hand - the kind you get in a safety razor - and began to slice through Harry's skin.

"You're so lucky to have this freak to hurt whenever you want Dudley." Said one of the boys Harry didn't care to remember the name of. Dudley wrote 'freak' into his leg and all the boys took a turn carving words into Harry's flesh.

"Pull his pants down." Said one of the older boys.

"What?" Said Dudley.

"Come one, with this scar he'll never find love." They pulled Harry's pants down and Harry was at a loss as to what was happening. They pulled the blade out and wrote 'whore' right by his groin so deep that you could make out the bone beneath it. Harry squirmed underneath it and the older boy went to take it a step further than physical abuse when a voice rang through the house.

"Foods ready. Potter needs to go back to his cupboard." When Vernon came upstairs he saw that Harry's pants were down and rolled his eyes. " Harry was pushed down the stairs and dragged into his cupboard were Vernon, as punishment for having his pants around his ankles, was tied to the chair again, legs tied in an uncomfortable way. "I don't want any funny business from you. That cut is true and I don't want you acting on it. Freak."

Harry was sat there for hours, sat in his own blood and piss. He passed out multiple times but this time he was really awake. There was a loud knock at the door. Harry had no idea what time it was. Nobody answered so another knock came. After that Harry heard the sound of the lock clicking and somebody walked in. Who on earth could it be? 

"We don't want you kind here -" Vernon stopped as if he was terrified of something. Harry silently listened. He couldn't keep his eyes open. He was losing  a lot of blood but his attention was captured by the sound of Vernon running up the stairs. 

"Locate Harry Potter." Came the mans voice. Harry froze. Who was this? Harry could hear footsteps coming closer to the cupboard and could hear whizzing. A little light popped through the door before erupting like fireworks in front of Harry. Harry would have reacted if it wasn't for the feeling in his head. He loved this feeling, the feeling of fading away. "Alohomora."

The lock clicked and the man pushed the door open. He was wearing black robes and had something that looked like a stick his hand. He knelt down, looking at Harry who was covered in head to toe with blood. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"Harry Potter?" said the man with disbelief. 

"No, not you. I like it here." Harry said, suddenly opening his eyes. "Please, I deserve it."


AN - Please leave a comment if you enjoyed! It gives me inspiration to write!

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