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"I'm taking you away from here. I won't take no for an answer." Severus said, using magic to untie Harry and then picking him up. Harry screamed and kicked, not wanting what this man was probably offering. A life of happiness and tranquillity. That was nothing to Harry. He kicked and screamed. Harry wanted to stay? He knew he was here to save him? He was in a fatal condition and Severus couldn't believe that he had lived that long in such a horrid state. Severus felt his heart break again. This was what had become of Lily's son? It was as if the world had forgotten to love him.

"No! Leave me here! I need it!" Harry said. His dreams had been right all along. He was going to be taken away by this man and not get anymore of the pain he was addicted to. He grabbed onto the frame of the door, screaming at the top of his lungs. "Uncle Vernon! Uncle Vernon!"

His uncle was cowering in the corner of the room, his eyes wide and red. Severus pulled out a vial from within his cloak and offered it to Harry.

"Drink it." He demanded. Harry didn't let go of the door, shaking his head vigorously. Severus let out a deep sigh, placing Harry onto the floor of the cupboard, hovering over him. He used his wand to open Harry's mouth, pouring the liquid in. Harry shivered before closing his eyes and quickly falling asleep. Severus picked Harry up and cast Vernon an evil glare. "If it weren't for my job being at stake, I would kill you where you stand."

With that, Severus carried the unconscious boy out of the house, placing an enchantment of the house to look the Dursley's in before popping away out of sight. They reappeared in Hogsmead, and Severus ran straight into the three broomsticks which was bustling with people. silence filled the room at the sight of the professor holding a boy soaked in blood, before chatter erupted.

"I need to use your fireplace. There's no time for delay." Severus said, hiding his exasperation. 

"Is that Harry Potter?"  Came a voice as Severus grabbed a handful of flu powder, standing carefully inside of the fireplace. 

"Hogwarts Dungeons," He said before popping away once more, before reappearing in his own rooms. He laid Harry down, rushing to his cabinet full of potions. It was then that he heard Harry begin to stir. He was shocked beyond belief. This boy should be dead by now! Let alone awake after the potion he just gave him. 

"More..." Harry muttered, still half asleep. Severus picked up a few potions, and walked back over to Harry. He poured them into Harry's mouth one by one, before pulling off the half asleep boys clothes so that he was in his boxers. It was then that he noticed blood running down from his crotch. Severus grimaced as he pulled down the boys pants. Harry, whose eyes were still closed, clearly unaware of his surroundings, pulled himself over and got onto his hands and knees. 

This was worse than he could have possibly imagined. Harry must have experienced some kind of sexual abuse. He put his hands gently on Harry's lower back, and pushed him so he was laying on his stomach before turning him back over and pulling his pants down the rest of the way, horrified at what he saw. Etched deep into his crotch was the word 'whore'. No amount of healing would hide these scars. These were scars he would bare forever.

"Why did you take me away?" Harry asked, making Severus jump.

"I needed to. You couldn't stay there." Severus said as he pulled out his wand. "This will hurt."

He began to heal Harry's wounds, which Severus knew to be a painful process, and Harry arched his back and let out a sigh of relief. He was enjoying it which made Severus sick to his stomach. How long had this abuse been going on for? Had it been going on all these long nine years since his parents died? Once he had done Severus called for one of the Hogwarts house elves. He asked Madam for Pomfrey to be sent at once. When the house elf was gone he pulled Harry's pants back up and Harry looked at him expectantly. 

"Please, send me back. Or... or be like him. He was right." Harry said softly. 

"I want to help you," Severus said.

"Then hurt me. Please."


AN - Tell me what you think :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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