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"AHEM..." TAKEDA-SENSEI cleared his throat. they just finished training and they're having a meeting right now. takeda-sensei had some announcements.

"as for our away games in tokyo, for the time being, it's planned for the next month. because they are away games, we will need permission from your parents or guardians, i'll hand out those forms later." kenji smiled. there'll be no problem there. he had an agreement with his parents that they'll let him play to his best until before graduation. after that, he won't play anymore.

"we also have a tentative consent from the school, as well." everyone smiled. looks like they're going to tokyo after all.

"however," kenji blinked. "as you are aware, you have final exams starting next month." kenji felt his whole body freeze. exams... "right?"

"so, i think you know what i'm getting at, but if you fail any subject," takeda-sensei continued, "supplementary classes will be held that weekend." 

kenji felt his heart drop. 

"which means you won't be able to go to the away games."

he knew chaos was happening around him but he stared at the floor intently. he's already planning how he's gonna study. how long for each subject, during which times and where can he study, and what was their topic in math again...?  

"ken-senpai's on a trance!"

he felt his face drain its color. he used to have above average grades, but now he's worrying if he can pass his tests. things really did change.

"i've never had a double-digit score on any of my quizzes. will i still be okay?"

his head snapped up at that. "is that possible?" he murmured to himself. 

"kenji. i'm sure you'll do fine. you used to have top marks, after all." asahi tried reassuring him. he turned to face his classmate. 

"kiyoko, what was our topic in math again...?" 

both asahi and kiyoko sweatdropped at this. probably the smartest third year... didn't know what their lesson is about...

"hey! stop it with the bodhisattva faces, you two!"

the gym was filled with shouts while one mean blond laughed. "ah, the sound of anguish."

"get a hold of yourself!" kenji glanced at daichi when he yelled. "we still have time until exams start."

"there's no way we can bring our best without these five idiots!" 

"...i've been branded as an idiot..." kenji slumped on the floor. 

"we're gonna do this... we're all going to tokyo." daichi declared.

i sure hope so...

WEEKS HAVE PASSED and kenji spent almost all his free time studying. he ate his lunch at his classroom desk, earplugs plugged in so he can concentrate on studying as he nibbled on his packed lunch. kiyoko was also busy with recruiting a new manager so the two of them were not really able to chat like usual. he also walked home immediately after practices so that he can study in a quiet environment. his mother often delivered his dinner to his room because they knew he won't be able to leave his books. his brother understood why kenji was like that. he used to be a top student, now he's struggling to pass his exams. add the fact that he won't be able to attend his first training camp in a long time if he failed. that sure is stressful.

𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 ◦ 𝐡𝐪 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐜Where stories live. Discover now