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「𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡」
slight content warning !! mentions of car accidents, injuries, and angst (i'm sorry)

A BRUNET MALE smiles as he bikes steadily down the hill. he's on his way home from his daily volleyball practice. he's mainly excited because his father is home for the first time in months. with his demanding job as a lawyer, he rarely stays with them and often slept at their old house in tokyo.

the male wills the bike to slow down when he saw the intersection at the base of the hill he usually passes by on his way home. the said corner does not have a stoplight, and people don't often pass by because there's a new road a few blocks away. now, it's a bit isolated. 

he felt himself panic when his bike's breaks didn't work.

to say his bike was old would be on point. it used to be his maternal grandfather's bike but he gave it to his brunet grandson shortly before he passed away. he treasures it greatly and refuses to sell it nor buy a new one, despite his mother's worries and complains. 

his panic rises even more when he spotted a pick-up truck about to cross the intersection. he squinted and tried hard to see who the driver is. just his luck, he knew him. it was the owner of the convenience store down the road from their house, and he has major hearing issues.

the teen tried to put his feet on the ground, in hopes of stopping just before he passes the intersection. he felt the friction of his shoes and the surface of the road. he tried yelling at the driver to stop, but his efforts were in vain. 

pursing his lips, he decided to do one stupid thing. he'll try to go faster and hope he'll pass the intersection before the truck does. with a shaky breath, he pedaled faster than ever, trying his best to gain speed. 

it happened too fast. 

he succeeded, crossing the road before the truck did. he even heard the old man yell in surprise as he seemingly appeared out of nowhere, but he paid it no mind because his control over the bike is decreasing.

he tried to keep the front wheel steady to go straight forward, but he saw some screws came loose because he pedaled so fast. his eyes widened, he lost control, and next thing he knew, he hit a lamp post and he felt excruciating pain on his leg, wrist, and back.

his vision became blurry. it seems like he hit his head, but he doesn't feel it. his body feels like it's on fire, his leg the center of it. 

he briefly saw the old man running his way before he lost consciousness.

 HE WOKE UP in a hospital bed. 

the steady beeping of a heart monitor, the stale stench of the hospital air, the white ceiling most health facilities have. he furrowed his brows as his memories came rushing back to him.

he was in an accident...?


he looked towards the voice. he recognized her. his mother.


with teary eyes and stained cheeks, his mom went to the bedside table and got him a glass of water. she helped him drink, and only then did he notice how dry his throat was.

"...what---" he started to ask.

his mother cut him off. "your brother and father are on the cafeteria, buying dinner." she stroked his head, which is wrapped with bandage. his left wrist is also wrapped in one, most likely broken. "how are you feeling?"

he frowned. "everything hurts." 

his mother pursed her lips. "you've been asleep for a week, kenji." her eyes glossed again. "we were so worried."

a week... his eyes widened. "the spring-high--!" he stopped himself when his mother smiled sadly. he felt his eyes tear up.

volleyball. volleyball is all kenji's been working hard for. his parents supported him on his dreams of playing and becoming a pro volleyball player, and in return he tried hard to raise his grades to make them proud of his scholastic achievements. his first year went well. he played as libero of the team, and this year he was supposed to play as a wing spiker alongside his friends. 

his lips wobbled. he missed the spring high. he was not able to play. he wasn't be able to wear his number 8 jersey.

sighing, he leaned back and tried to get a better resting position. better rest and recover well so he can go back as soon as possible. he really really wants to play. 

his frown returned when he felt he can't move his right leg. he went to lift the blanket to see what's wrong, but his mother held his hand. "kenji..."

"what?" he demanded. when she didn't answer, he grabbed the thin hospital blanket and yanked it away from his legs. he was shocked.

his right leg was in a cast, cemented and all, from his knee to his ankles. his mouth fell open. "wha... why--- what happened--" 

"your leg had an open fracture, my kenji." his mother sniffed. "they had to operate on it."

kenji's tears fell almost instantly. 

he's crippled. he can't walk.

he can't play.

he sobbed hard, his tears falling from his eyes like waterfalls. he gripped the bedsheet tightly, fists shaking uncontrollably. his mother went to hug him, to console him, not being able to do anything to alleviate her son's sufferings.

his father and his brother stood by the door, eyes clouded with tears. their kenji, the strong, playful, innocent kenji, just lost his smile. it was replaced by tears and cries so prominent it echoed throughout the hospital hallway. no one complained though. everyone in that place knows that tears come as often as the sun rises. no one is truly happy.

at that moment, tsubaki kenji realized he had lost his wings. but he definitely did not lost his will to fly.

• • •「◆」• • •

i originally published this chapter after my family's midnight christmas celebrations... i'm pretty sure i was drunk... what was i thinking lol 😆

anyways, hope you enjoyed this angsty backstory :))

𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 ◦ 𝐡𝐪 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐜Where stories live. Discover now