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A/N: So I’m trying to give this whole Lydia and Jackson a try. I officially ship them now after season 2 finale. So I think for now it’s just a one-shot I might add more later I don’t know. However look out for my page I’m thinking of adding a chapter story about them later on. Sorry if the dialogue isn’t the same. So please review and tell me what you think.

Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf.

I don’t know why I always do this. Why do I have to hurt her? What’s happening to me? For now the best thing I can do for her is keep her safe. I remember when things were so different…

Hmm what should I do tonight? There’s most likely going to be a party after the lacrosse game but do I really want to go there. Maybe I should text Lydia and tell her to come over, I know she won’t deny me, she never says no. But, she’ll most likely get the wrong idea she’s not special just the girl of the moment. Either way there’s going to be hotter girls at the party tonight.

As I got to school I saw that Lydia’s car was in the parking lot, of course coming to cheer for me. I made my way to the gym to change into my uniform. “So what are we doing tonight man?” asked Danny my best friend, ironic the jock best friends with the gay dude. “I don’t know July invited me to a party at her house” I said Julie another one of my girls but she was no Lydia, she didn’t have the same potential. “What about Lydia?” asked Danny as he was taking off his shirt. “What about her?” I responded did he really think me and her were an item now.

“Nothing I just thought you and her were exclusive now” he said a little nervous, he didn’t want to make me mad. “Why would you think that?” I asked, did others think I was tied down now? “You haven’t really seen anyone else besides her lately” Danny responded. I guess that’s why this is the problem with Lydia she was too addicting “So what she’s good in bed, doesn’t mean we’re together now” I said maybe this will get him of my case. We both got finished changing and made our way to the field to warm up. I could see Lydia by the stands looking perfect as always. I simply looked her way and when our eyes met I winked at her and kept on warming up.

I played with my head on the game and of course we won. Everyone in the stands was cheering and I knew Lydia would come to me soon to congratulate me. I saw Danny making his way towards me and he said “So you wouldn’t mind if Lydia was seeing someone else besides you?” why would he care, he’s gay. “Yeah whatever” I said, I knew she wouldn’t see someone else so what difference does it make. “Okay because I think Blake is asking her out” he said, looking towards the crowd I followed his gaze and I saw the asshole Blake leaning towards Lydia and talking to her. Who did he think he is? He knows she’s mine, why would he even go there.

I quickly made my way towards them. Just as I got there I heard him say “So Lydia want to go to Julie’s party with me?” before she could say anything I answered for her “She has plans already” I said as I pulled her towards me making sure he knew what plans she had. He looked at me for a second than back at her and said “I guess another time than” as he put a piece of her hair behind her ear.

When he was gone Lydia turned towards me and said “What the hell is your problem?” so she was mad “what you weren’t really going to say yes to him were you?” I said. She was starting to walk away but I pulled her arm so she wouldn’t go away. I pulled her close to me and our lips were almost touching. “Come home with me” I whispered to in to her. “Why should I? Maybe I should go with Blake” she said, I grunted and said “come on Lydia, just tonight” she seemed to think it over for a bit and said “and if I want more than just tonight?” is this being exclusive? No she probably just wants to spend the weekend over, which doesn’t sound too bad. “Yeah whatever, but come with me” I said again, “'Okay fine” she said as she let me pull her towards my car.

As I remembered all of this, I wonder how things go to be so messed up. But, that was the past and now things are different so I said:

“Do you have my key?” I try to sound as mean as I can so she can give it back. It’s better this way, I have no one and she deserves better. It’s probably her fault that I can’t turn anyway. She looks a bit nervous like she doesn’t know what to say. “I don’t have it” she answers, but I can feel her heartbeat I know she has. I know she still wears it around her neck.

I approach her and I know she’s scared because she doesn’t know what I’m about to do. “Why did your heart just skip a beat? You’re lying” and I know that now she’s hurt, I can see it her eyes “are you serious?” she ask and I want to say no, but this is for best. “Give it back” I raise my voice; maybe this will make her give me my key. What if she was the one who deleted the scene of my transformation? Then there’s a crash downstairs and we both turn to look at the door. I have to hurry up what if Derek and his pack are in the house and they try to kill her.

“I hate you” she says, now this I did not expect she can’t hate me! No, No I shake my head; maybe she’ll take it back. “I hate you so much” she repeats it again this time with tears in her eyes, “no you don’t” I say a bit calmer this time. We both know that she doesn’t hate me, “But I should” she says, and I know she’s right. She should hate me, I don’t deserve her.

She’s looking away from me now, and I can’t stand it, I’ve hurt her so many times. Maybe I should just make her believe I really don’t care about her, but I can’t I need her. I touch her face and make her look at me, she tries to avoid my eyes but then I lean towards her and kiss her lips. We both needed this, the touch of each other. And she’s kissing me back I wrap my arms around her waist and she wraps her arms around my neck. Just as our kiss is getting intense there’s an even bigger sound coming from downstairs and I know this time we can’t ignore it.

She opens the door and walks out the hallway, and in that time something happens to me. What’s happening? I need to follow my master, NO! I don’t have a master. Go to you master! My head is hurting who do I listen to? And what’s happening to my body? I seem to forget everything and I leave to do my master’s bidding he needs me.

AN: so I have decided to make a three maybe four chapter story. Anyways follow it, I know this is really short but I promise to make it longer next time. 

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