Chapter 2

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AN: so sorry that it took this long to update, but with finals and all I was really busy. Anyways now that we have break I hope to update sooner than before. Hope you enjoy this chapter, don’t forget to comment!

It was that time again, I knew that this Friday was going to be Lydia’s birthday and I don’t know what to do. Part of me wants to get her something but at the same time I know that if I do she will think more of it than it actually is.

I was walking down the hall thinking all of this, and then there’s another part of me that I still don’t understand. I keep on doing things I don’t want to, the more I go on I feel like I’m losing myself and I don’t know to what. I keep on blacking out and half the time I have no idea where I’m at.

I feel someone touching my arm and talking to me. “Jackson” “Jackson” they say, I come back and realize its Lydia. “So you’re coming to my party tonight right” she says when she notices I’m paying attention. I shouldn’t go; I know it’ll hurt her to know I’m not going but its better this way.

“You don’t want me there” I say with a deep tone to make her understand. “Don’t be silly, of course I want you there.” Why does she have to be so persistent? “No you don’t” I say again this time more harshly. She seems to be a little scare at my tone but still refuses to believe me. “I’ll see you there” she says and walks away before I can say anything else.

Her mentioning her party makes me remember of her first birthday party that we spent together.

“Hey Danny will you go to the mall with me?” I asked my best friend. He seemed a little surprised that I was asking to go with me; usually it was him asking me. “Yeah sure man, what are you getting?” he asked. “I need to buy Lydia something for her birthday” I stated, he smiled a bit. “What are you going to get her?” he asked. “I don’t know that’s why you’re going with me” I said, why is everyone so stupid?

It was Tuesday and Lydia’s birthday was this Friday and of course she was hosting her annual party of the year. Which everyone who was anyone went, and as we were seeing each other I had to be there, but I also knew she would be upset if I didn’t go.

It’s funny because we weren’t officially dating she was still just another girl, but since the Lacrosse game two weeks ago, I wanted to be there to make sure no other guys tried to talk to her. The good thing about Lydia is that she didn’t expect the same for me, which is a good thing.

It was me and Danny’s last class of the day and we made our way to my car I was already sixteen had been for a few months, but Lydia was just turning sixteen. We got inside and threw our stuff on the back of my Porsche, my birthday present. “So do you have any idea on what you want to get her?” Danny asked as I drove to the mall. “I don’t know jewelry?” I asked. “Yeah maybe a ring or something” said Danny. A ring? “No not a ring I’m not proposing, I don’t just any necklace I guess” I said, she will be happy with a necklace.

We arrived at the mall in ten minutes and walked to a jewelry store. “Hi how can I help you today?” a smiling worker asked. “We want to take a look at your necklaces” said Danny for me, good thing I brought him. “Of course, I you’ll just walk this way” said the worker guiding us to the back section of the store. Everything in there seemed to shine and glitter. It was divided into sections by bracelets, necklaces, and rings. “Are you getting something special for your girlfriend?” the worker asked Danny as he started getting out different necklaces from behind the glass door.

“No my friend over here is” said Danny with a smirk on his face. “A friend” I corrected both of them. “Okay well here we have a range of things a girl your age would like” he said and started showing us different things. They all seemed meaningless to me, and I guess Lydia would like any of those necklaces but something about them didn’t convince me. There were lockets, hearts, flowers, birds, and all sorts of things. “Come on man, just pick one” said Danny we had been there for a while and I was still not convinced on any of them.

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