chapter 1

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(I just wish there's more like ruby reader you know?
I just really adore those kind of fanfics)

(I just wish there's more like ruby reader you know?I just really adore those kind of fanfics)

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Sorry its side way
Defect Ruby's POV:

I sigh and lump down on the floor,
Every gems been making fun of me lately for being different
I look up and see other rubies glaring at me while whispering to each other,
It make me wanna crawl back to my hole and never come out,
"Defect ruby" I look back and saw an amethyst "y-yes?" I stuttered at her, I mean don't get me wrong the amythsts with carnelian and skinny jasper are nice but I barely saw them so they mostly made me feel a little anxious "yellow diamond had a mission for you so I suggest you go straight up to" she gruffly told me so I immediately obey and run with my tiny legs, sometimes I just wanna run away and never come back..somewhere I could be myself and be free from the hates.

[Time skip with bb Ruby's tiny legs running]

I finally got to her and did a diamond salute "my diamond" she look down at me and scoff "you're finally're a little late tho" I gulp "m-my apology..please forgive me" I look down not wanting to see her glaring diamond pupils "you are going to earth with a few rubies to retrieve the leader of the mission jasper, understood?" She ask me coldly "u- understood my diamond" I told her softly as I can " least you could be useful for once" now those words Hurt me a little, "hey" I look to the side and saw captain ruby(doc) she grip my arm and walking away going to the ship, I saw some of my teammates talking to each other "listen up, this is defect ruby and she will come with us to get jasper!" Captain told them and I wave a little to them "hey.." I said softly "aww you're so small" the ruby who had her gem on her stomach(navy) cooed and put her hands on her cheeks before walking up to me patting my head softly, we got to our seat and starting the ship

'Earth...I wonder if there's other gems in there..'

(Here's the first chapter how you like it)

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