Letting Go - As simple as it seems...

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I am at loss half the time.

Bereft of the once flying birds like words.

I fail within my crude attempts to mime.

As phrases and expressions abandon at will.

At the mercy of mercurial feelings I stand still.

On the lumps of unspoken syllables, I gag and choke

Honey! I might just have too much to say yet,

I have felt bravery paired with hope, dawning dismay

Cowardice matched with loss, as an unbecoming stroke.

To let go, is to leave behind a carved wedge of my existence.

The Inverted-Saint hung by the ankle. Oh this view is unsettling.

Suspended in a moral quandary, should I snatch you?

I know the glint in your eyes as the sunset we watched,

beamed a light, alike our enticing dream's unravelling.

I know, nothing can ever be recreated quite like that.

Letting go, isn't a matter of feeling or growing numb to it.

Isn't a matter of knowing what you feel or unknowing it.

It isn't being aware when u need to let go.

It isn't being crystal of, to hold onto, or to go with the flow.

Isn't much of a choice, when I have only one choice to make.

Letting go involves unclasping your grip.

It's unfurling your fingers and taking that last long sip.

It's assembling your mental faculties to brace themselves and

watching something fall from a great height as it takes a dip.

Keenly following something in its downward motion

Knowing that it's destined to hit the bottom,

It's this knowledge of the fatal outcome that gets to us.

Once the thing meets the ground, swift in its downward tryst

Its way past the mist, it doesn't resist but just ceases to exist.

What was there is gone. There is now an ugly gaping hole.

The almighty sinister void, in its place, tugging at your soul.

By the river of time, I sit and watch the ripples cascading,

and think about what could have been there.

And sigh! If only? The things, so close yet so far and eluding.

That one last touch, that could never be true or the first.

That one last feeling of bliss, hearing her speak like a song.

Or when the sun shone and trickled by the tip of her nose.

The moment of open eyes, arrives with an eerie awareness,

The sun shall never flare the same, the breeze shall fail to seduce.

Shining rivulets of light dancing and sliding of her face

Breeze that tangled in her hair and tickled her fresh skin.

Shall never happen again, It's heart wrenching to know.

Nothing like that will happen again. Nothing shall be the same.

The sun won't shine the same. Instead rays simply dips.

Breeze will never play pranks the same, Instead it will blow away.

The light won't flow over the edges of her nose or smiling lips.

The riverbed loses a pebble to the flowing water.

River of time shall never run quite the same way.

Another pebble will fall in its place because replacement is logic.

Letting go is letting someone else take the spot.

Let something else happen contrary to the dreams I dreamt.

I have to let my joints move out of their grip, and release my,

hold on something that isn't meant to be held by me anymore.

I have to let her land somewhere new and hope,

that somewhere, is even more beautiful.

Letting it go, is not just freeing the grip,

Isn't just unclasping from the embrace.

Letting go is anything but effortless or simple.

It is to close the door forever on the dreams by my own hands

and lock the fate with a smile whilst throwing the key away.

Creativity is but another illusion hiding the true emotions and pain and sometimes joy. behind layers of art

-Harish Vaid

Hey ppl : ) I am back after a long break, missed reading ur wonderful words and talking to u guys. I ll try to make up for the absence :P

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