Chapter 37 - War?

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The moment Slash disappears, I collapse. Red runs out of the bushes, with Fred close at her heels. They rush over to me.

"What happened?" Red asks.

"I don't know," I answer.

Red and Fred help me to my feet. Well, mainly Red, Fred just kinda dances around. I finally notice all my injures. When we get to the village, alone, people start crowding around.

"Where is everyone else?" Jill asks.

Her father had stayed and fought with us. I wince and hold my stomach.

"Everyone died but us. That includes the enemy's army too," I say.

Everyone looks sad when I say everyone died, but when I say that the enemy's army died too.........everyone still looked sad. Some cheered up a little, most don't. Red leads me up to the room.

When she opens the door, she leaves me in a chair and goes back downstairs to get Fred, who is being hounded by people for answers. I look around the room. Somehow it is comforting. Red comes back in with Fred.

She takes the potion out of the pouch and pours a few drops in my mouth. My body starts to shake and vibrate. My wounds start closing up and the blood disappears. I stop shaking and look at where my wounds were. They are gone. I feel better then I've ever felt in my life.

"What are we going to do now?" Red asks.

I shrug.

"We may just stay put for now. Let everyone get over the sorrow," I say.

Red flops down on her bed.

"Why am I mixed up in all this," Red says, "When did this become my problem?"

"When you saved me, this became your problem," I say.

Red looks at me.

"I was kinda asking myself," she says.


A boy runs, out of breath, into the room.

"A wolfum told me to give you this."

The boy holds out a rolled up piece of paper. I take it and the boy leaves. I unroll it.

"What is it?" Red asks.

"Slash. He dares me to bring my army and fight him," I say.


"A place called the Dark Clearing." 

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