F U Trump

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America has finally gotten rid of Trump and everyone around the world was celebrating the amazing outcome. There where dancing, cheering and all kinds of other celebrating as it has been announced that Joe Biden has won the presidential election. Everyone around the world can finally breathe a sigh of relief now that Trump was finally out of office once and for all. Alfred was dancing in his living room in his house along side Mathew as they celebrated the victory of Biden's win against Trump. "Congratulations Alfred, this is amazing." Mathew says as he gives his brother a hug. "I know dude, I'm so fucking happy I don't know if I should smile or cry." Alfred admits as he slumped on the couch in extreme tiredness. "Rest easy buddy, I'll be in my room if you need anything." Mathew calls as he heads upstairs to his room. Alfred sighs as he can  finally get some rest but before he can even close his eyes his phone rings. He picks it up and sees that it's from Yao. 'Shit, I hoped he's not mad about the election results.' Alfred takes a deep breath before answering the phone call. "H-hello America speaking" "Alfred, how are you? I heard that you have a new president elected in office aru?" Alfred innerly sighs in relief from the happiness in Yao's voice. "Yes, I do. And don't worry one of his plans is to reenter me back into WHO and maybe some day we'll meet with you and your boss to discuss our trade deal."
Yao giggles and Alfred feels shivers go down his spine at how childlike yet creepy it sounds in his ears. "That's great, how about you come over to my house and we'll celebrate the big win together?" Alfred thinks about it before deciding to agree to with it. "Alright, I'll come over but, don't try anything funny." Yao giggles and promised not to do anything much to him. Alfred hangs up the call and prys to God that nothing will happen to him once he goes to meet with Yao.

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