Special Deal?

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Alfred arrives at Yao's house and knocks on his door feeling very anxious about the meeting especially considering the way his ex boss treated him and his boss in the past four years and especially during his re-election campaigns. The door opens up and in front of Alfred is Yao in a panda hoodie and jeans with his hair down smiling at him. "Nǐ hǎo měiguó" Yao greets him in his native language as he bows in front of him. Alfred repeated the gesture and says hello in Chinese as well which makes Yao smile even brighter. "Come inside, we have much to discuss." Alfred follows Yao inside of his home. Alfred sits down and looks around while Yao goes into the kitchen to prepare tea and cookies for them. 'I really do hope he's not pissed at me, already have enough on my plate as is if things to fucking fix.' Alfred looks up as Yao places a plate of cookies and a cup of tea in front of him before sitting on the opposite side of the table. Yao takes a sip of his tea with his eyes closed and sighs before speaking to his worried freind. "I wanted to make an offer you can't refuse in order to avoid any more conflicts and to strengthen our relationship for the better." Alfred without warning whatsoever shouts out. "IF IT'S TO BE YOUR PERSONAL SLAVE FOR LIFE I'LL DO IT!!!" Yao blinks in surprise before smiling again and speaking in a claim manner. "That sounds lovely but that's not the offer I was going to asked you for although that is an interesting request." Alfred blushes and tries not to look him in the eyes. "Well what is this offer of yours?" Yao gets up and goes inside of his hoodie to reveal a small black box. He walks towards Alfred and kneels in front of him carefully opens it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. Alfred is in shock and begins to feel tears built up in his eyes.  "Qīn'ài dì měiguó, nín néng yǐ chéngwéi zhàngfū de róngyù lái lǚxíng wǒ de zhízé ma?" Alfred nodded his head and Yao places the ring on his finger. When Yao stands up he's pulled into a kiss by Alfred as he continues to cry tears of happiness. The two then share a hug as Alfred finally relax and accepts Yao's offer to be his husband. The two of them break the news to everyone else and their bosses who all congulated them and wished them the best in their upcoming future together. Today will definitely be an exciting day in all of history.

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