Chapter 17 ~ Positive

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Three years later

It's the first day of the summer holiday, and I'm sitting upstairs in my bathroom with the door locked. After what happened about three years ago, Rose stopped being as much of a brat, and my Dad found out about the whole me-and-Scorpious doing the dirty thing. Scorpius wasn't allowed back for a year.

Fidgeting and pacing, I wait for the results to come back. Finally, I flip the test over, as my eyes widen. I'm pregnant. No. This can't be happening to me. My parents will freak. Scorp's parents will freak. I'm only 16! How will I tell Scorp? I pace back and forth in the bathroom, only stopping when I hear a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I try to make my voice sound normal.

"It's me," Scorpious mutters outside, and I open the door and let him in before quickly locking it again.

"Scorp?" I look over at him, my eyes widened.

Scorpious P.O.V

Crap. Lily never looks at me like that unless it's bad, "Yes?" I ask, observing her as my eyes flicker down to the object she's holding.

"I-I'm pregnant."

"Well-I-uhm-How long?" I stutter, not sure what to say.

"Well, I'm not sure. More than two weeks-probably the last time you visited Hogsmeade, about a month. Remember, you got the hotel room?"

"You're right. So, that means we have some time before the baby bump appears," I mutter, trying to wrap my mind around this news.

She nods and continues pacing, "Well, I can always use the Fidelius Charm to hide my growing stomach, at least for my schoolmates. However, that'll be very difficult. I don't know; maybe mum can homeschool me. I'm going to have to tell my mum, at least, even if not dad right away."

"Yeah, you're right. I think I should make myself scarce, maybe go to my parents for a while."

"Yeah, I'll continue to send owls, letting you know on the process. We can meet places too. I mean, I can't apparate, but I live in London. I'm sure there's someplace I can go to meet you."

Lily P.O.V

'Remember, you can't tell anyone, not just yet,' I smile at him and wave as he walks out the door after he had told everyone that he "had to meet his parents for tea."

'I know, I know.' He remarks in my head, before disappearing entirely from vision.

Mum is currently working, as she had just gotten the position of Head of the Magical Sports department at the Ministry of Magic. I wait for her to come home, sitting on my bed, reading a book in our vast collection, mostly gifted to us from Hermione. It was one Mum had been given during her first pregnancy with James. Reading it over and over, I try to figure out what I can do. Home alone, I watch the clock, and 10 minutes before anyone was supposed to get home, I ran and stuck it back in its place.

Not long after he left, my father had gone to work as he had been on lunch break. Albus and James had moved out; Albus lived in a flat that Phoenix would move into as soon as she graduated Hogwarts, and James lived in the flat across the hall.


I'm sitting in the kitchen, eating a muffin when I hear the door creak open. "Lily! I'm home!" She shouts, and I flinch.

"Hello! How was work?" I reply as she walks into the kitchen.

"It was good. Busy. How're you? Where's Scorp?"

"He left to visit his parents."

"Good for him."

"Mum, can I talk to you?"


"I'm pregnant."

She stops for a moment, staring at me as if I had just told her I ate my foot, "What? How long? Scorpious is the father, right?"

"Yeah. I think about a month. I'm not sure, though. I'm haven't gone to a doctor yet, but the test I took said so," before I knew it, tears were streaming down my face, "Mum, what am I going to do? I still have to go back to Hogwarts for another year!"

"I think we can have you homeschooled. I mean, you've already finished Transfiguration, Astronomy, and Defence. All you have left is Charms and Potions for subjects you need." I wanted to be a Quidditch player, so McGonagall suggested I stay with the main courses. "Now, you can continue Study of Ancient Runes and Care of Magical Creatures, but those will be harder. Also, I don't know if you'd want to do Care of Magical Creatures and possibly danger the baby. Since Ancient Runes is mostly out of a book, we can do that one easy."

"Really?" I ask, eyes wide.

She smiles and nods, "Now, before we set any of this up, let's get you to the doctor."


At the doctor's appointment, we discovered that I officially am pregnant. Mum set up my homeschooling as soon as we arrived back home. We decided to tell Dad together and waited until he got home.


Jerking awake at the sound of Dad coming home, I realized I had fallen asleep.

"Honey, we need to talk," Mum said quietly, carefully.


"Dad, I-I'm pregnant." I start crying again, slightly afraid of his reaction.

"Is that why the boy left?! Where is he? I'm going to arrest him, then tear through his skin and make him feel some pain. Then I'm going to-"

"-Have to arrest yourself?" Mum added with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh... Yeah, okay. Well, he's never coming into this house again!"

"Honey, that child's not growing up without a father. Remember, you did, you don't want that for them either. Also, by doing that, you can just drive both of them away from us. I've set up homeschooling for Lily; it's going to be okay."

"Yeah, you're right." He sighs, running his hand through his hair, " We'll get through this." I wipe up my tears just as he says that. I hug him, and I feel mom do the same.

"I'm sorry, Dad," I whisper.

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