helping others

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i woke up and there Emma was, fast asleep. i miss waking up with her next to me! anyways today i was gonna do some charity work! so emma finally woke up and we ate toast and nutella since we had plenty of that cuz leo lives with us XD and i drove. i dropped her off at the cupcake shop and drove to a cancer hospital to meet some people there and talk to them.

there was a 9 year old girl who i met, her name was hillary.

h: alot of my family have had cancer but they got it when they were adults and my parents hadnt had it but im the youngest age out of all my family who have had it.

k: oh wow, do you go to school

h: yes i do, but not a lot but i want to go everyday because i do want to catch up with the work and do well and get good grades, thats my goal but i have to be here a lot and i beg the nurses if i can go to school. i get dressed and up early sometimes and they wont lets me.... i go every 2 weeks or sometimes longer. ad it sucks...

k: yea.. i guess it does, and im glad your so passionate about learning, most kids your age hate school!!

h: i wish they realize how lucky they are. they get an education and im lucky i get to go sometimes but some kids here dont go at all uz thir ondition it too bad!!

k: you should try making frind with the other kid and get to know them cuz it would be fun metting new people who understand you, you know?

h: yea i guess i should try that... and i will!

hillary was a nice kid and as i was talking to the other kids they also agreed to meet the others and most of them said about how much they wanted to go to school, so i decided to put a list of what some of the places i was about to visit and here and see what they need and get it for them. so i decided to buy a bunch of educational books,text books and games and more things that could teach them. books and pens and pencils. the hospital agrred to that and they ordered all the things and made sure one of the nurses instead of looking after kids she teaches them.

i loved these kids already. their so kind and polite and they have a future ahead of them and i knew it when i met most of them.

i went to the cupcake shop, it was 5:30 pm now. it closed in 3 hours time so i decided to make a whole bunch of cupcakes and put them into 2 boxes and Emma came with me to hold the boxes and i went to every homeless person i saw and gave them a cupcake. i saw one women with a baby and a toddler and she was a single mother. her husband died and i gave her 5 cupcakes. it looked like it ment the world to me and others its just giving 5 cupcakes but to her it meant the world and i hugged her, i dont care that shes homles but i will show her that i care. so i gave her the adress to our cupcake store so she can come in anytime and get some from us to feed her kids.

them our 2 boxes were finally empty.

e: wow we should do this more often

k: of course we will!!

them we went back home and i cooked dinner, i made spahgetti. we ate and then emma wen into my room and slept with me again.

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