What am I going to do?

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The darkness of nighttime approached the gate to the Sohma's main estate. The air always felt thick around this place, and even coming back the air has never changed after all these years and it even fills me with slight anxiety. Guilt was also lingering over me as I thought about the way I left Shigure's house, and letting my anger get the best of me.

The estate hasn't changed since I was a child, and everything was just as I last remembered. As I walked the paved road with sore bare feet a light flickered on and a shadowy figure came out onto the porch. The figure was of a man, and his cold stare felt like it pierced right through my body. "Akari? Is that you?" His monotoned voice rang in familiarity as he stepped into my direction. "Its Hatori Sohma, remember?"

"Hatori" I muttered his name softly. The Sohma's family doctor, and as I looked at his slim figure the only thing that seemed different was the hair that covered his eye, but the kindness in them was new as well.

He began ushering me inside "Shigure called, said that you would be around here" he spoke as he sat me down in a bedroom on a bed.

"I'm going to run some tests, if that's okay, Shigure stated that you were found by Tohru half starved" Hatori stated as he began monitoring my blood pressure and heart rate. He listened to my breathing and the stomach before looking back at me. "It seems like the only ailment is mild dehydration and light starvation, some pushed fluids and a steady intake of food should clear you right up" He said as he started prepping a needle.

I stayed silent through the whole exam, swinging my legs on the side of the bed like a child. I didn't even flinch as the needle pierced through the skin and into my vein. The IV began to drip momentarily. "You should be able to move around more easily tomorrow after some nights rest" He said as he began to help me adjust the bed. "Ill be back with some dinner"

My head soon bowed as Hatori shut the door behind him. My thoughts washed over me, my entire body shaking from anxiety. The room was shrouded in darkness that felt like it was closing in on me. I was only left to my own devices for about an hour before Hatori came in with a plate full of fried fish and rice.

He sat in a chair next to me, placing the plate on my lap. "Eat slowly now, you haven't had a decent meal in a while, so take your time" Hatori instructed.

It all smelled mouth watering, but I heed Hatori's words and took small bites. The fish was so delicious that I actually shedding a few tears. A dull pane in my stomach appeared as I finished the fish, it was slight but noticeable and was because that I hadn't had a full belly in years. I handed the plate back to Hatori, who got up to leave the room.

"Get some rest now" He stated as he shut the door.

I settled down into the bed, sighing deeply as I stared up at the celling. A slight warm feeling washed over me, overpowering the darkness and making my eyes grow heavy. As a deep sigh came out of me, my consciousness let go and I fell asleep.


Bright sunlight filled the room as i strained to open my eyes, adjusting then to the morning sun. Birds were chirping on the window seal as I sat up, feeling my once so stiff limbs felt loser for once. I almost forgot where I was until Hatori's knock came from the door as he walked in.

"You definitely look better than last night" He said as he walked to my side, prepping to take the IV out of my arm. "Breakfast is ready when you're ready" He said while he smiled and patted my head before he left.

I waited for a moment, taking in my surroundings, turning my head and looking out the window. I took a deep breath in and swung my legs to the ground. I stretched my arms and legs before hoping on the ground, heading toward the door. As I walked out of the room I saw Hatori sitting as the table, eating his breakfast as mine sat on the other end of the table. I walked and sat down across the table, taking the bowl within my hands and taking little sips.

Her name is AkariWhere stories live. Discover now