Chapter 5

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Peony had been silent since we'd discovered the location of her death. I couldn't tell if she was troubled at the news or just deep in thought. She floated beside me as we walked down the hall. With it being still so early in the day we had decided to get lunch then head down to check out Electrical to see if we could find some sort of lead.

I attempted to make conversation, which we all know I am not good at, "You're not gonna make me talk to anyone else, like ever again, right?"

Peony laughed a bit but it seemed forced, her eyes strained, "How are we supposed to figure out who killed me if you don't talk to anyone Whyn! That's like the whole point of you helping me. I mean, I really could figure it out myself but I need to actually talk to people to succeed."

"Aw man, I hAte talking to people," I waved my hands dramatically in front of me and watched as a smile displayed on her lips. That's good, I thought. I had only known her for a day but seeing her so solemn didn't sit right with me.
I suddenly had a thought, "Wait a minute, Peony, why-"

"Here we are!" She called and the door to the Cafeteria slid open.
Whatever, I guess I would ask later.

As I looked into the Cafeteria I saw something I had never seen on the SpaceStation before. Actual people, sitting and eating lunch together. I usually ate alone, just Mr. Brookie in the cafeteria with me. Everyone turned towards me as the door clicked open with a loud whoosh. I suddenly became very uncomfortable as I stood in the doorway. My feet stuck to the ground, far too confused to actually move into the room.

Mr. Brookie was behind the kitchen counter, serving the girl in the orange spacesuit. Olivia, her name is Olivia- I forced myself to remember. I could see Mr. Brookie's young son behind him in the kitchen, helping prepare something. Olivia smiled brightly and waved at me as I forced myself to move into the room. I drilled my eyes into the floor and approached the serving area.

"Hey Whyn!" Olivia called brightly as I grabbed a tray and inched beside her. Her skin seemed to be glowing softly in the harsh cafeteria lights. I couldn't tell if the smell of cinnamon was coming from her or the kitchen but it tickled my nose and made me sniff strangely as I grunted a hello.

Mr. Brookie smiled at me as he scooped something onto my tray, I didn't look at what it was. "Hello Whyn, eating early today are we?" He asked, his voice soft and comforting. I relaxed a bit, I was fine. This was fine. People are... fine.

"Uh yeah, we- erm- I finished my tasks early today" I said.

"Isn't it so nice when you finish early?" Olivia said, effortlessly inserting herself into the conversation, "I've got so many tasks today I might have to skip out on my daily run."

Should I reply with something witty? or maybe I should compliment her? You can never go wrong complimenting someone, right? Okay, so what? Her eyes are really pretty... NO that's weird. Totally random. Wait- what were we talking about again? My ears turned pink, I had to say sOmething.
"I like running." Noo don't say that. It's not even true!
Olivia hesitated for only a split second before nodding kindly towards me. Yeah that went well. 

Mr. Brookie finished serving us- I now actually looked at my food, today was BLTs with fruit salad. Olivia invited me to sit at her table. I complied and we walked over to a circular table in the center of the room with one other person sitting at it, a tall man in a dark blue spacesuit. I studied him as we sat down. He was reading a book titled "Jane Eyre" while hungrily wolfing down his sandwich. His face was chiseled and mature with a slight hint of facial hair. His hair was a dusty black and his eyes sparkled at seemingly nothing as he read. He looked to be about in his thirties.

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