I am your Friend

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Who are you to judge me?

Throwing words that comes from thee.

Staring at me from head to toe,

Are you a friend or a foe?

Do you think you're perfect?

Well, take a closer look and check it.

Don't judge me the way I act,

Or else you'll face these consequences and dumb fact.

I'm just hiding this emotions and keeping it in control,

Because i don't want to let this fall.

Though I know you always question me,

I don't care because I just want to be free.

You aren't perfect, so stop overweening,

Because someday you'll end up crying.

Aren't your conscience bothering you with guilt,

For doing these all that you already built?

Why don't you try to be someone's friend?

And let your insecurities end.

Doing these all was not really your intention,

I know you're just seeking attention.

Don't be ashame to open up and share,

'Cause I'm here to care.

I can cast away all your fears,

And wipe thy tears.

Those bad memories of you will be vanish,

And your suffering will be diminish.

I am your friend,

And promise our friendship will never end.

Pen and PaperTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon