13 - ice cream

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It's been two weeks since the two last met; it's too awkward to actually face each other.

Or so she thought.

Jisung had been appearing every three days, mostly at nights when he was too sure that she was asleep.

Ignoring the possible consequences if the higher-ups knew he was breaking the binding rules, the demons were going in and out of the border.

Wearing a plain maroon shirt and black track pants, Jisung is currently tying his shoelaces, preparing for an early stroll with the others, when a faint whistling sound echoes in his ears.

He found himself slowly smiling as he stood up, facing the guys.

"Sorry, hyungs, Ahrin's calling." He cheekily smiled and waved goodbye, disappearing in a split second.

Renjun scoffed at the attitude.

"Ya, it's my first time seeing Jisung not get angry if his plan doesn't turn out well," Jeno said.

"He's been like that for the past few weeks. Jeno, seriously, where were you?" Jaemin nags.

"I'm getting suspicious. Jisung isn't always grumpy anymore." Renjun hissed at the thought.

Meanwhile, Chenle just stayed quiet, letting his thoughts run.

He should ask Jisung about it.


"Ah, there you are." Ahrin beamed when a familiar smoke erupted in the living room.

Jisung's eyes immediately met hers when she hopped on the last staircase.

"Why are you so dressed up?" he asked, looking at her baby blue shirt tucked in high-waisted light denim pants.

Ahrin just excitedly smiled and brushed off the visible dirt on her white trainers.

"We're going out!"

"Out?" His brows furrowed.

"Yes! There's a newly opened ice cream shop just a 10-minute walk away from here. Then we can take a free stroll at the park."

The park

Jisung aggressively shook his head, wanting to bury the unexpected thing that happened.

He stared at her for a few seconds, assuming that she had already forgotten it based on her bubbly attitude.

She doesn't even look awkward.

So he flashed a smile and nodded, "Alright."

It really took a 10-minute walk, as she said.

They spent time talking and lightly bickering on the sidewalk, playfully pushing each other, but they had also been extra careful for sudden speeding cars.

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