Snape's Memories

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A little boy stood cowering in the corner as a man advanced. They shared the same dark eyes and sallow skin.

"YOU FREAK,' the man bellowed, obviously drunk. "I'll teach you what's good for you."

"Papa, please," the boy begged, tears shining in his eyes. "I didn't mean to."

The images spun and settled again in a dismal backyard. The boy was crouched on the ground, looking a year or so older. A large bruise stretched across his face, a vibrant purple against his white skin.

"Are you hurt?"

The boy looked up and stumbled back as a girl emerged from the bushes. She had pretty red hair that cascaded in waves and she blinked, her green eyes filled with concern.

"I'm fine!" The boy hissed, his face unfriendly. "Go away."

As he turned away, the girl reached out an arm. "Wait, I can help you."

The boy flinched and tried to pull away under her touch, but the redhead had a pleading gaze and the boy softened. Slowly, the girl reached up, placing a gentle hand on his injured cheek. She closed her eyes and frowned, seeming to concentrate before pulling away. The bruise was gone.

The boy looked at her in shock. "Are you.."

"A witch?" the girl laughed, shaking her head. "That's what my sister Tuney says. But don't be silly, there's no such thing."

The boy frowned, he obviously disagreed, but the girl continued without notice.

"If I can focus really hard I can heal bruises and scratches. I tried to heal my broken arm once," the girl giggled, unbothered. "It didn't work quite as well. My parents just looked at me rather oddly as I muttered to myself." She stretched out an inviting hand and the boy hesitantly took it. "My name is Lily."

With a jolt, Estella returned to the basement where she and Snape had been practicing, her eyes wide. Sweat rolled down her forehead from where she sat up on the ground, as Snape did the same opposite her. "You knew Harry's.."

"You and Potter are infuriatingly similar," Snape snapped, standing quickly. "Both of you don't know how to keep our nose out of matters that don't concern you." He stalked over to the door, ruffled by the memories.

Estella turned slowly. "She was the one you loved. The one you gave up."

Snape paused briefly, looking at the ground with an unreadable expression. "Yes."

"Why did you become involved with Vo.. the Dark Lord?" Estella cut herself off at Snape's scathing glance.

Snape turned away, breathing heavily. "Blackwood I don't have time for your nonsense."

"Please Professor," Estella stood hesitantly. "I want to know."

"BECAUSE I HAD NOWHERE ELSE TO GO!" Snape snapped, whirling around as a piece of hair flipped onto his face. "Fools like you and Dumbledore seem to believe that everyone has a choice. But sometimes there just isn't." Taking a step forward, Snape glared into her eyes. "Look at you now, surrounded by Death Eaters, and still unable to do nothing."

Estella stood in shock as the man exited the room, his cloak trailing behind him. She turned to see Draco standing behind her, an amused expression on his face.

"Well, at least it's not just me."

"Shut up," Estella snapped. "We're leaving."

"Oh come on.." Draco paused, scanning her expression. "You're serious." A smile spread across his face. "About bloody time."

Estella felt her heart soar just a little. She was finally going to be free.

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