The Tale of the Two Brothers

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Long ago, before the world was filled with life. There lived Two brothers. One was named Probus while the other was named Malum. Probus was warm and wanted peace and harmony. Malum was a trickster and enjoyed causing chaos. Each brother was born with an Exitium, an ability, that allowed them to create. Probus was able to create life and Malum was able to create desire. Probus would travel the world and create life onto everything he touched. He created 12 intelligent races with the ability to think and feel. There were the Humans, the archangels, Daemons, beastmen, Elves, Dwarves, Fairies, Orcs, goblins, Mermaids, Lizardmen, and Dragons. They lived peacefully together on the holy continent. Malum believed these beings to be boring and mundane. He used his exitium to fill their hearts with desire. The races became obsessed with knowledge, riches, and power. Malum enjoyed watching the races fight and bicker. Probus discovered his brother's antics and warned him to leave his creations alone. He helped his creations make cities, monuments, and spent his time teaching the races about each other and the world in which they called home. Malum became interested in the abilities that living creatures were blessed with including he and his brother. He spent his time locked up studying how to increase his potential. Eventually he created an item that helped enhance his abilities. He was able to manipulate people's spirits and forge their souls and hearts how he pleased. As he tested his new found powers on the animals his personality began to change. He became more twisted and felt no sympathy. Probus noticed the change in his brother's behavior as he started to steal samples of the intelligent races. Malum used their DNA that he had collected in order to create 12 more items. Probus had realized that the increase in Malum's abilities had filled himself with a warped desire. He tried to talk sense to his brother, telling him that if he continued to tamper with lives that he would lose himself. Malum refused to listen and continued experimenting on living creatures. The world continued on as Malum was assumed dead. Probus continued caring for his creatures filled with regret for his lost brother. Probus had discovered Malum's old laboratory to see that it was nearly destroyed. The only thing that remained was a small, black, cotton-like, ball that lied quietly on the ground. When Probus attempted to pick it up it slowly fused with his body until neither were part of the world. The two brothers were never heard from again. As the leaders of the 12 races noticed their absence they began searching for the brothers only to find the 12 items, the 12 artifacts, that Malum had created. Thus the world continued on now ruled by the 12 races.

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