Skinny Love

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You were laying in bed in your cell. you and your group had been at the prison for about a year now, it was good, You liked it there.
You could here your cell mate Carl shuffling in bed beside you, a few minutes past and you heard him awkwardly mumble something in his adorable tired voice.

"Y/N, you awake?"
"yeah" you reply in a whisper.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Of course Carl"
"Do you like me? like, as more than a friend?"

You froze, you had secretly loved Carl ever since the group rescued you from that herd of walkers. you and Carl had flirted with eachother for ages but you never thought he meant it.

"yeah? oh right- um"
You felt him roll over to face you. It was dark but you could just see his face.
"Y/N I've loved you ever since we first found you, I've just never had the guts to say it. I just thought that someone like you would never love a guy like me"

You were shocked, you never would have guessed that Carl felt that way about you.
"I- I love you too Carl"
you here a sharp breath come out of him.
"Y-you do?"
"well.. yeah. Carl I've loved you ever since we met. But I thought all that flirting was just a joke"

it was silent for what seemed like forever. until you felt a hand brush against your side.
you feel Carl pull you closer to him until your bodies are touching.
his breathing becomes heavier.
suddenly you feel his lips gently intertwine with yours.

after you both pull away he quietly whispers into your ear
"I love you Y/N"
"I love you too Carl"
you rest your head on his chest and fall asleep to sound of his heart beat.

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