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"Come on Pink, talk to me." Black pleaded whilst following me to Medbay to scan.

I ignored his pleas as he continued. I had no times for traitors. I had to complete the requirements.

"I am sorry—"

"Why didn't you tell everyone that it was Purple? You knew!" I shouted, causing him to look down shamefully as if he regretted his actions.


"Because what, Black?" I interrogated.

"Because I am the Imposter along with Purple!" He admitted, quite loudly.

"What?" I asked, shocked.
I went slightly quieter, waiting for a response.

I couldn't believe this. Black was the Imposter all this time? We did most things together and he never even insinuated that it was a possibility. I felt slightly betrayed but also sorry for him.

"Look I didn't want to tell you." Black said shyly, whilst looking down at his feet.

I finished my scan and turned to face him, we were inches apart now. The tension grew as I studied his expression.

"Why didn't you kill me when you had the chance?" I questioned more calmly now.

"Because I love you. I have for the longest time. We have been through so much together and I am not ready to lose you." Black poured his heart out to me as if it was the last time we would see each other. Surely it wouldn't be. I was going to win.

"I love you too. But you would really throw the game for me? I am surely not worth it." I smiled giddily.

"Of course I would. You are more important than some stupid game. I don't care if I die." Black replied, he was obviously embarrassed.

I couldn't believe this. It was all unreal. He genuinely cared about me.

"I want to follow you around and be your body guard." Black told me, bravely.

"You don't need to do that. You need to win. So kill me. Go on. " I reassured him.

He looked at me in utter shock. I swear his jaw almost hit the ground, which wasn't too far since we are 3'6". His face filled with a reluctant expression as the knife in his hand, glimmered under the warm light.

"No I am not going to do that. I would never do that. I c-can't." He stuttered while almost hyperventilating.

"Black you must. Its going to be okay." I insist as tears filled my eyes.
I knew I wasn't ready to die, but it would be worth it.

"Look just finish all your tasks, and you can win. No one dies." Black suggested, trying to rationalise.

I didn't want to bring up the fact that Red and Yellow had already died, so I just dropped it. Eventually I gave in.

"Okay. I love you. Stay safe."

Unfortunately, Purple ran into me in the hallway.

"Pink. Black." He said dramatically as he stood in the Medbay doorway.

"What do you want, Purple?" Black hissed as Purple humoured him without a care in the world.

Purple's face had an evil smirk plastered across it. His eyes were like windows, into a black eerie soul that had no emotion.

The knife he held was sharp and clean. The shine bounced off the walls, making it the focal point of the room. It was larger and sharper than Black's knife. Purple smiled at me and then glanced at his knife - readjusting his grip. It was firm and tight, which made me uneasy. He wasn't going to show mercy.

"Does she know?" Purple asked Black, circling around us.

"..That I am the Imposter? Yeah she does." Black replied cooly.

He was acting confident, but I could see his legs shake and the inside of him crumble in fear. He was trying to be strong.

"Thats really dodgy man. She can win now." Purple replied dangerously, but still with a smirk.

He definitely had a plan.

"You think I give a shit whether we win or not?" Black sneered.

Purple gave out a little chuckle while focussing his attention on me. I edged closer to Black, feeling much safer with him. He stepped in front of me, causing me to feel slightly at ease.

"Don't kill her." Black muttered.

"Okay I wont. For now." Purple gave a small smile indicating a truce.

"You're not going to kill her?" Black asked skeptically.

I knew that Black nor I were convinced that Purple would give up that easily. I decided that it would be best if I just avoided him. Purple surprised us both when he spun around and headed in the direction of the Cafeteria. I guess he didn't plan on killing me after-all.

I let out a sigh of a relief as I turned back to Black who still had a worried expression on his face.

"I can handle him. Really." I told him.

"I don't want you to die, Pink." Black said as he teared up.

"Its going to be okay. I promise."

And with that, I turned away and left him alone in Medbay.

One More Imposter Among Us. (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now