
10.9K 618 724


Monday 14th April 2014

[09:28 AM]

Holy shit, Charles!

[09:30 AM]


[09:32 AM]

C H A R L E S !

[09:35 AM]


[09:40 AM]

Answer meeee

[09:45 AM]

Hello, darling, what's got you so impatient?

[09:46 AM]


[09:46 AM]

DID YOU GO??!!!??

[09:47 AM]


[09:48 AM]

Did you like it?

[09:49 AM]

I can't believe you did that.

[09:50 AM]

Your baking skills are amazing. I'm sorry I doubted you. Definitely mouth-watering.

[09:51 AM]

How did you even convince the employees to give me coffee and a cupcake? Do you know them?

[09:52 AM]

I'm glad you enjoyed it.

[09:53 AM]

And yes, my sister is friends with the employees, and one of them attended one of my classes.

[09:54 AM]

You don't have to worry, though, I made them promise they wouldn't tell me anything about you.

[09:57 AM]

You're amazing, you are.

[09:58 AM]


[09:59 AM]

I'll pay you back one day.

[10:00 AM]

Don't worry about me, I'm just happy I could make your Monday a little better.

[10:01 AM]

A lot better. My employees are looking at me weird because I'm smiling.

[10:02 AM]

Glad I could be of assistance, but now I've got to run. Talk later, darling.

[10:03 AM]

Mmhm, later.


Tuesday 15th April 2014

[11:21 PM]

Grey suit or black suit?

[11:23 PM]

Why not blue?

[11:24 PM]


[11:25 PM]

No need to whine.

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