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Lilith Jade , a daughter of Hades and a powerful witch named Adrianne Selwyn. Adrianne was a pure-blood Slytherin, who was disowned after she had a baby out of wed-lock, with a non-magic folk nonetheless. She posed as a huge target for the Death Eaters, and that meant endangering her daughter.

And so, Hades offered her protection in the underworld. But before she could leave the Wizarding World, she was killed off in a battle with 6 other Death Eaters. So, Hades brought his daughter to the underworld much to Persephone's dismay.

Persephone might dislike her husband from time to time, but they got along fairly well when around the little girl. The goddess still resent him for forcing her onto the life she had now, but raising an adorable and amazing baby girl was one thing she never wanted to change.

It was one hell of a relationship. They had this love-hate thing kind of going. Persephone resents her husband for forcing her in the Underworld, but at the same time, she fell in love with him because he really did love her and proved it to her with all his actions.

Not to mention, the goddess had seen how he acted around his daughter, and it was safe to say that she knew he would be a great father to her. Persephone might find him sometimes annoying, but she couldn't deny the happiness she had when Hades wasn't too busy with his duties and spent time with her and his daughter.

The baby was an angel, and it was hard not to love her. It was quite strange, actually. A daughter of the Lord of The Underworld, an angel.

As much as the two Godly beings loved her, the Underworld is no place for a child to grow up. Not to mention, she was also born after the oath between the Big Three Gods. That meant danger if any of the Gods were to visit the Underworld.

And as much as Hades did not want to, he had to let her live normally. Well, as normal as she could get.

So, Hades and Persephone raised her for over 5 years, spending as much time they can with their daughter. Of course, Lilith stuck to her father like a glue, she was a complete daddy's girl. And there was no changing that.

Hades, knowing of the magic in her blood, knew that she would be a very powerful demigod, not to mention that she was also blessed by Hecate herself, after the goddess sensed a powerful magical presence when she was working.

Persephone, blessed her with the same powers she had, which was changing her appearance, and of course, power over spring.

Demeter, who found out about her during her monthly visits for Persephone, blessed her with power over the harvest.

And lastly, Hermes who found out of her existence during his daily visits for posts and mails, was absolutely wrapped around the toddler's fingers. He blessed her with speed, teleportation, and blessed her with the ability to master languages, even though she could hardly speak when he blessed her. That was an ability he never passed down to anyone, not even his own children. That also meant, Lilith wouldn't struggle with reading with her dyslexia.

When Lilith turned six, Hades and Persephone reluctantly journeyed to the terrestrial world and sent her to live with a manipulated couple who took her in.

Though, Lilith often spent her time in the Underworld, practicing either her magic, or her powers with the Gods and Goddesses. As she grew up,  she often asked her father why she couldn't live with him, and Hades would look down at his daughter with a sad look and tell her that it was dangerous.

Until, he finally told her of the broken oath, and her half-siblings. She never asked about the topic when she saw how upset her father looked, so she simply crawled over to his lap and hugged him.

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