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Walking with her friends, Y/N enjoyed the horizon's landscapes of Chestnut Hill. While the other two were too loud, the taller girl appreciated the casement windows carved with beautiful Indians mandalas, culturally believed to bring good luck. The town were all carved with the little geometric circles. Many elders said that Chestnut Hill had survived the 50' hurricane thanks to the mandalas. The school teachers preferred to believe in a favorable geographical position. Y/N didn't care who was right, if science keep everyone healthy and the Indian beliefs keep the town so pretty.

Entering the café, a bell rang the door and their arrival was announced for Kihyun. He was finishing a costumer bill, smile patterned in his face like a soiled canvas. It was a too kind smile for someone like him. People with bad hearts should born with bad smiles. It was unfair.

Once the work was done, the waiter walked slowly till Y/N and her friends, folding a dishcloth. His height difference with Thomas was the only fair statement to be done between them. Thomas would be lovelier, but he didn't had half of that devil's intelligence.

"Good evening" he smiled, pretending the mask of a perfect worker. Mr. Brown should be easily mistaken by such a deceitful person. "Thomas, Ana... you" he should have some problem with Latins, of course, what other reason to treat Y/N like this? She knew some guys thought she was easy, at first, but then they learned a lesson and never messed with her again. But Kihyun wasn't that kind of idiot. He wouldn't be so obvious with that, if he really was thinking she'd make out with such a small eyed and small heighten man.

"She has a name" Thomas defended Y/N, with both arms crossed in front of his chest. That was incredible brave and stupid of him. Kihyun, some good 30 centimetres smaller, bent over the balcony, ignoring Thomas and his skinny wrists.

"Would I be useful for you, ladies?" that kind of approach wasn't, really, the one he used with other costumers. If Kihyun shown his devilish nature for the old ladies and retired men whose constituted most of his clientele, he'd be already fired. And rambunctious in the town. What a pleasure for Y/N, be free of her deals, but it'd be also a disaster for Mrs. Yoo and her other five children... No, Y/N was doing the right thing.

"Yes, with your mouth shut up" Ana changed the weather, like always "I want a coke, Thomas would like an iced americano, right?" the big boy agreed "And Y/N..."

"Latte Caramel for her" Kihyun wiggled his head "No, love?"

"I hate him" Y/N murmured, leaving the balcony to sit far, far away. Thomas followed her close and Ana did the obligations of paying for all the drinks. When they were far enough, Thomas clenched his fits and spoke with fury burning his eyes "You should tell his boss about his attitude, Y/N. He's harassing you and Ana"

"I can't, Thomas, and you know it. His mother needs the money, and they are my neighbors"

"This idiot has no conscious about real life"

"Let's stop talking about him, please"

"It's okay. You know I'll be always here for you, right?" Thomas reached her hand over the table "If he bothers you..."

Ana sat next to you, her eyes fixed in their hands. Y/N took her hands of Thomas, smiling gracefully, as nothing had happened. "It's okay, really. He's just an idiot"

"No" Ana put her chin on her hands, eyes still sparkling jealousy. "He likes you, Y/N. Whatever, it's still an idiot".

"C'mon, I won't believe even if I lived one hundred lives" Y/N laughed.

But Ana and Thomas weren't laughing.

"What? Do you guys really thing that dwarf likes me? He's always treating me like..."

"Honey. Love, darling, lady, sweet girl" Ana repeated all Kihyun's cheesy nicknames that infuriated Y/N.

"Beauty" Thomas added.

"It's the worst strategy I've ever seen, but he's trying" Ana raised her shoulders "Oh, devil is coming"

Kihyun brought a tray with all the orders, handing them to the respective consumers. His arms were visible, the sleeves were folded over his forearms, flexing the muscles, he wasn't skinny as Thomas, even being smaller than the other boy. Y/N was examining the waiter's arms when he bent besides her.

"I thought cookies would be nice with latte caramel" and he showed the little plate with little chocolate cookies stacked. "It's for my bill, not pay for that"

When he had gone, Ana pinched her best friend's arm, looking to her face with an expression that would say damn, girl. Y/N fainted a little, because she never noticed Kihyun's annoying acts till now. So, he wasn't trying to get her attention in a bad way. Only the simple thought of being his crush was terrifying. Not just he wasn't her type at all, he also had so many troubles ahead his head... Troubles Kihyun was asking for. Y/N didn't understand how could he get so many enemies in town, Chestnut Hill was a small town, so why mess with the bad people there? He had enough problems to solve at home. Mrs. Yoo needed her older son to take care of the young ones while she was ill. Y/N felt betrayed. She was thought in Mrs. Yoo as a poor woman, whose beloved son wasn't returning the love she gave.

"He's a monster" Y/N said, after picking one of the cookies "And we won't talk about him again"

With worried sights, Thomas and Ana began to play with each other, letting Y/N all alone in her thoughts.

Kihyun Imagine - El Cielo de InviernoWhere stories live. Discover now