Chapter 18: Dream Shots

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I was knocked backwards by the resulting force of wind when Arcaneis took off. He reacted immediately to the enemy's call and slammed into the Krookodile, who caught Arcaneis and tried to hold him back. 

Fire blasted in an arc as Alex released Ninetales, the Fox Pokemon standing between the thugs and Alex and Amanita. 

I let out Lucario as I pressed the hilt of my dagger. "Lucario!" He roared and unleashed a wind of aura upon Mega Evolving, energy blasts rebounding away from us.

The sprinkling had begun to turn into a downpour, turning the grass slick and the earth muddy.

I glanced around my feet, looking desperately while Lucario punched a Liepard away. "Joltik!" When the fighting had started, he had been tossed from my hand before I could return him. "Joltik!"

As Lucario grappled with a Scrafty, a sneering thug loomed over me. Gritting my teeth, I swung my leg out, knocking him over before slamming my boot between his legs. People like them would earn no mercy from me.

I stood as the lanky blonde entered my field of vision, his Scrafty grinning evilly. Lucario had gotten surrounded, unable to get to my side. Alex and her Ninetales, Mega Absol, and Lurantis were in a similar situation. Alex was shielding a wide-eyed Amanita and when she caught my eye, looked ready to dash over to me, but I shook my head. When I saw Robert, I realized he was in a worse situation. While Swampert was furiously protecting him, he was laying in a puddle of pink liquid at the foot of a large wall. I instantly remembered the drugs we had encountered back on Floccesy Ranch and knew that he shouldn't be in that stuff for any longer than he already had.

"Aw, looks like you're all alone," the blonde laughed cruelly. "Come on, try and get a Pokemon out. I dare you."

I had a Pokemon that could help turn this fight around, but it would be bad without knowing where Joltik was. Gripping a fist, I grabbed a pokeball just as Scrafty launched himself at me. 

If I can't use him yet, I pushed myself backwards. Then she will suffice for now!

Aloud, I shouted, "Multi Attack!" Mahina appeared into the air already slashing. Scrafty was slammed to the ground as she pinned him, blasting three orbs of energy into him.

"Hold them here!" I shouted at her as I turned and ran for Robert. A wall of thugs appeared in my way, all wielding knives. A Liepard flew out of nowhere and slammed into two of them, knocking them over. Lucario was close behind, roaring as he swung his arms, forcing the rest back several feet to make my path clear. I leaped over a thug, pushing off his face as I skidded next to Swampert. I unhooked another pokeball and let out Greninja. "Help her!" I quickly turned to Robert, fully aware that I couldn't get whatever kind of drug that was on me. 

"I got this," Alex said as she and Amanita rushed over to me, Ninetales, Lurantis, and Absol following, but still fighting. Ninetales was knocked into a tall wall, parts of it crumbling onto her. Alex let out Alakazam and upon her command, lifted Robert out of the liquid and placed him on cleaner, albeit muddy, ground.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw something small and yellow trying to dash towards us. "Joltik!" I yelled. Then a Liepard sprung towards him, a shadowy orb forming in her maw. I didn't have time to think. I launched myself forwards, shielding Joltik with my own body. I gasped in pain as the Dark Pulse slammed into me. I nearly collapsed, but I planted my arms firmer, determined not to fall on my tiny Pokemon. Joltik looked up at me, quaking with pure terror. I managed a smile as I saw a shadow pass over us. Greninja spun into Liepards, slashing downwards with a watery blade. He then picked up both me and Joltik, launching us back towards our group at the base of the cracked wall.

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