Chapter 25: Ghetsis

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"Heracross is unable to battle! That means Ninetales and Alex win!"

I clapped alongside Robert as Alex went up to Burgh to accept her badge, but half of my mind was still on my loss. Trying to ignore the shame of defeat, I instead tried figuring out what I would do next time I challenged him. Maybe a change of who I used...


I started. Alex had laid a hand on my shoulder. "You okay?"

I gave a wry smile. "It's just been a while since I lost, I guess."

Alex nodded, keeping a straight face. Then the façade cracked and she grinned. "Sorry, sorry," she chuckled. "Losing in a tournament is one thing. But you lost against a gym leader. I just can't help but laugh."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. Just wait until you lose a gym battle."

Alex smirked. "The day that happens, is the day that... that I give Robert one free get-out-of-a-beating card."

"Hold up!" Robert protested. "How the heck did I get drawn into this!?"

"If you plan to rematch me, I'm afraid it'll have to wait a couple days," Burgh told me, coming over. "I'm hosting an art tour all day tom-"

The gym's front doors slammed open and someone yelled, "Where is she!?"

Our group turned around, startled. Standing in the doorway, breathing hard with sweat pouring down her face, was Hilda. She blinked, staring at us. "What?"

"Lemme through!" A voice grunted, pushing her forwards and Hilbert stumbled in after her. He took us in. "So I take it Team Plasma isn't here."

"No," Robert said slowly. "This is a gym."

"It is?" Hilbert looked around and whistled appreciatively. "Dang! You've certainly upgraded haven't you, Burgh? I must say, I kinda want to see what kind of battle I could produce here."

Hilda jabbed him in the stomach with her elbow. "That's now what we're here for." She turned her gaze to us, desperate. "My Pokemon! He's been stolen!"

"You said Team Plasma wasn't here," I narrowed my eyes. "It was them, wasn't it?"

She nodded. "We were training in the central park area when a member of Team Plasma ran by and snatched Solosis up. I didn't see until he was a good distance away."

"We lost him in the crowd," Hilbert said regretfully.

"Why didn't Solosis try and fight back?" Alex asked.

Hilda shook his head. "He's newly hatched, so he's not strong enough to escape."

"Well then let's go find him and take him back!" Robert said confidently. "With extra pairs of feet and eyes, we're sure to find Team Plasma!"

"And I'll be glad to lend you my assistance as well," Burgh gave a little bow. "If anyone can find them, it'll be the critters that see all."

Hilda nodded gratefully and it looked as if she were trying to hold back all the worry she must be feeling. "Thank you, all of you."

"I'll go with you two," Robert told Hilbert and Hilda. He turned to Alex and I. "I'll call you two if we find them. Use your X-transceivers to call me if you find them first."

"Will do," I said and together all of us hurried out of the building, Burgh close behind.

"Have you checked that seedy alleyway yet?" Robert asked them.

Hilbert frowned and Hilda's eyes widened. "No! Of course, that could be where they're at!"

"Then we'll check there first," Robert said.

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