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Confida'ant Calavera was the grandson to the Grimm Reaper. Silver eyes, pretty big thing to live up to right? His grandmother and father had a falling out to which he was caught in the middle. Most of his father's money came from the family fortune, but when it was taken away and given to me he was infuriated. At the time he was only about 8 years old, which made his father run out of money fast. They soon lived on the streets of Atlas, Confida'ant having to run because he was about to be sold into slavery. Except he couldn't. He didn't want to leave his struggling father so he came back just for the same thing to happen, but this time he couldn't run.

Confida'ant POV

"Oh you are not going anywhere you little shit!" The SDC slave trader said. He grabbed me forcefully by my cat tail, yanking me across the room. My semblance, Heat Signature wouldn't work very well in this situation. I was yanked into a cage with semblance-stopping handcuffs on me to stop me from doing anything. I cried on the floor as a guard banged on all the cages, scaring all of the faunus children. I was in there for a day and only getting some grey mush for sustenance. I stayed obedient so the guards wouldn't hit me over and over with their electric batons. The punishment wall always said 1 minute of beatings but the guards were so horrible it stretched to 3 minutes, which we would've been beaten more for not mining out the dust quota. After a month inside the mines I was long past trying to get the ice and electric dust from out my clothes and tail. I made few friends there. Friends meant attachments, and you had no time for attachments because you were either eating, sleeping or mining. Friends also meant grieving if there were the common dust explosion inside the mines. I was quick to notice disturbances in the air due to my Heat Signature semblance, being able to detect highly reactive dust in the air and being able to warn everyone. I was almost some kind of leader, but everyone stayed on their own when guards walked by because standing out meant getting beat more.

After two years of enduring torture, constant labor and abuse we were all lined up for something special. A doctor-looking guy walked up and down the lines, inspecting mostly children around my age. I didn't get a predatory vibe from him, it was just odd to see a doctor here because we didn't have an infirmary deep in the mines. After an hour of looking up and down, he picked five children around my age to leave the mines. I was extremely skeptical because we were often told by new guards, "Ill help you out!" or "I'll help you get out of this craphole," only for them to lead you into a trap. We were taken into an underground train with a few other kids, but we didn't bother to socialize. After about two hours on the train, we were given hospital gowns and a cold shower. I still was very skeptical until they started doing medical tests on us. They extracted blood from us and a skin sample to test our auras, and it felt like forever until we were brought into a room for interrogation. We took an eye test to see how well our eyes worked, then a bunch of other tests. The scientists had to go home as we were escorted to our private cells. I laid in bed, spacing out but not thinking about anything at the same time.

In the morning, we were given breakfast which was surprisingly more nutritional than grey sludge. I had put on a bit of muscle from the mines but not too much muscle because of how artificial and non-nutritional the grey stuff was. We were given actual meals and workout regimens for an entire week until the doctors came back with the results. I apparently got the highest scores and the doctors observed me like a vulture. I felt the smallest bit of happiness from it, finally feeling like I was worth something to someone but I was quick to realize being good at the tests meant bad things.

The guards actually laid off with the beatings on me as they would get punished if I had bruises. The doctors took me into a room with metal tubes connecting to a glass chamber. They made me undress in front of them and step inside the chamber with some kind of thing on my mouth so I could breathe. I watched them as they shuffled around with papers and carts of dust.

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