The Journey After The Fall

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Grandmother taught me how much power to let out to petrify a large enemy, and how most creatures don't even need for me to shine my light on them. She told me the tale of how her eyes were cut out by some bandits and she became a disgrace because she started living for herself. After a long journey and finally arriving In patch, I was carrying Grandmother to a restaraunt so we could eat when I saw Ruby and Taiyang. "Ruby! Taiyang!" I called to them. I jogged over to them. "Haven't seen you guys in months? Where have you been?" "Oh, after Yang lost her arm its been pretty quiet around the house so we go out to eat every now and then. I thought you lived in Atlas, and who is that old lady on your back?" Grandmother and I both scoffed and I said, "She is not that old! And we are here on a training trip!" "Why here though?" "Oh, we are here to train you to use your eyes silly!" I said to her.

"Wait so thats how I scared off Cinder? By using the silver eyes?" "Yep." "But I still don't know why your grandmother is here, no offense." "Do you know the tale of the Grimm Reaper?" Taiyang spoke up, "The Grimm Reaper! I always looked up to her! Qrow even modeled his weapon after her?" "Well my grandmother is the Grimm Reaper." Taiyang gasped and said. "Oh my Oum the Grimm Reaper and her grandson are in my house!" He fainted. "Um, does he do that often?" I say. "No, this is the first time." Yang said, coming down the stairs. "Wait, are you a widower now? Does that mean I can flirt with you again?" "Well, technically, Penny is a robot and shes being rebuilt so were technically dating but taking a break." "Oh. But why are you guys here?" "Here to train Ruby to use her eyes." "What?"

We were out in the forest. "Confida'ant, please demonstrate how to use the Silver Eyes to them." An alpha Beowolf came charging towards me and I focused my sight on it. Light poured out of my eyes and the Beowolf turned to dust. "Wait, so I can do that too?" Ruby said. "Not quite, it takes quite a bit of practice to use." I told her. "What made you use it the first time you did it?" "Well, seeing Pyrrha about to die, I wanted to protect her and avenge her but I was too late." She looked down. "It's not your fault. It was her decision to go up against Cinder, and you did your best." I patted her on the back. "Now try it on that Beowolf. Surface the emotions that made you feel that way." Ruby looked at the Beowolf but nothing happened. She tried and tried again until she finally released a big shine onto it, instantly petrifying it. She was crying a lot and I brought her in for a hug. "Its ok, you did a good job." She exerted a lot of magic in one effort but it's a start.

After a few months of training she could control the power a bit. The remains of Team JNPR came over and we all decided that Haven Academy in Mistral would be attacked next and we should start moving there. Yang wanted to stay here and I gave a call to Dr. Polendina and asked if he could make a cybernetic arm and give it to Yang. He accepted since I brought back the pieces of his daughter and he said he feels indebted to me. I actually had to go back to Atlas to fulfill my promise with meeting with Penny and my grandmother stayed with them so she could continue to train Ruby. I took a train ride to Atlas and actually had a great time.

When I arrived back in Mantle I noticed a faunus girl getting mugged in an alley. "Stop, please!" She pleaded. There was three guys and I decided I want to be a bit of a hero. I wasn't in the mood for banter so I just used my recently gained ice powers to freeze all of their weapons. I knocked all of them out and helped the faunus go home before going to Polendina's lab. When I arrived I saw Penny. "Penn!" I yelled. I tackled her and gave her a bear hug. "I missed you so much!" I said to her. "I missed you too Fida!" She said. "A lot of stuff happened while you were gone. I actually came to ask your dad about some of the experiments because I got new powers!" I said. I looked at penny and she looked a lot different. She had much longer hair and her complexion was different, she looked a lot more mature. "Penny you look so good!" I hug her tighter. I got off Penny as Dr. Polendina came in the room. "Hello Doctor, I wanted to ask you a few questions on how I have ice powers."
"Well, it seems when the doctor who tested on you put in lightning dust, it was straight from the mine you came from. If you can remember, there was also ice dust inside the lightning dust so it was mixed in. The ice dust just took a longer time to develop than the lightning dust." I held a ball of ice in my hand and it floated, and I rotated it and lifted it with my electricity. "Oh yeah, and since I overused Checks and Balances, grandmother gave me Life, her one kama she had left, and I made another one." I showed him the dual kamas. "I named the second one Choice. Life and Arbitrium. Arbitrium means choice in an old language." I told him. "Hmm. Very nice. I used to know your grandmother. We were like two peas in a pod, brother and sister. Oh and if you could deliver this cybernetic arm to Yang tomorrow morning that would be nice." "Thanks!" I took the box to the guest room where me and Penny had a nice talk. My heat was coming back in a few months, I told her and that she could satisfy it when I get back because I would be gone for a while. We all had a nice dinner and I showed off Life and Arbitrium. The scientist helped me upgrade it so that I could infuse myself into it to give it lightning dust, and I could call them back to me using electromagnetic force. He told me the ins and outs of his power and how it could seriously turn tables in battle. He also told me I could combine the two and easily turn tabled in battles.

Things in Atlas and Mantle were beginning to get tense. The election was coming up and the recent Fall of Beacon took a toll on all the kingdoms. I couldn't deal with it now though, I had to get stronger to fight Salem and I would need help from everyone I could get. I took the train ride to Vale and went to the island of Patch.

I entered the house. "Taiyang? Yang? Anyone here?" I shouted. Yang came down the stairs and saw I had a large white box. "Wheres Tai?" I said. "Hes out getting things. What's in the box? Cake?" she questioned. "No, its a present for you from Polendina and I. Wait till Tai comes home-" The door opened behind me. "Oh, we were just talking about you. Sit down." I said to him.

Yang opened the box and gasped at the contents. It was a high-tech cybernetic arm. "Go on, try it." I said. "I don't know, its just... I'm not ready yet." I looked at her with a confused expression. "You... don't know about my mother do you?" Yang asks. She explains to me how her mother left her for her bandit tribe, leaving Taiyang to care for Yang and how she blames herself for it. "I know how it feels to have someone close to you abandon you. The entire reason I have these powers is because my dad chose money over me and sold me to the SDC. I always knew my grandmother was right for cutting ties with my father. I just thought he could come back from it and try his best. I know the feeling of being scared of the future. But you can't move on if you can't make choices. Just remember to look at your options wisely and choose the one best. Take your time, I trust that you can do it." I left her and went back to bed.

It was around a week or two until one night, a couple of Beacon's teachers came to visit us. "So you're that Confida'ant fellow thats the talk of the town." Oobleck said. "Yep, thats me. The child prodigy!" I said sarcastically. "If you don't mind, how did you come across these elemental powers? Surely they aren't your semblance." Port asked. "Its quite the long story but it starts with my grandmother. My grandmother is the Grimm Reaper, well retired, and she actually gave me her final kama after mine broke. Back to the story, her and my father were never on good terms, and they got into a heated argument when I was 7 and my grandmother took him out of the trustfund and the will, which my father was running on, and we were quickly evicted. After a year of living on the streets my dad met up with an SDC slave trader, and sold me to them but I escaped, but was soon caught. I got sent to a mine deep underground and became an ice and lightning dust miner for two years. This apparently made me the perfect candidate for some experiment, being young, having a weak and developing aura, and being exposed to lightning and ice dust for long periods of time. I was the only survivor of the dust-aura experiment. Not even the doctors survived it as they either died of natural causes or died resisting Ironwood. After 3 years being stuck inside a chamber with lightning and ice dust being constantly thrown at me, I got go battle P.E.N.N.Y., formerly know as Penny Polendina or my girlfriend. After the battle the head doctor was killed because he tried to resist Ironwood's decision to send me to Atlas Academy at the age of 13. I learned to harness my powers and I graduate officially in a few month, but we had taken a while off cause the Fall of Beacon took a big toll on everyone. Apparently since ice dust was used a lot less, it took four more years to develop. Now I can create ice and lightning. And I have to help Ruby use her silver eyes." I take a sip of water as Yang came into the room with the arm on. "I knew you would make the right choice." I said. "So are you ready to rejoin your sister?" "Actually, I need to pay a visit to my mother's tribe." she said.

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