Political 'Party'

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Guys you are the best! Ive only been on this app for like 3 weeks and I finally got a story with 100 reads. Also yeah crucify me for the pun.

I walk up to the mansion with all my friends, struggling with a tie on my neck. Weiss shoots me a glare. "Not-my-fault-if-people-like-nooses-for-clothing." I say, struggling between each word. "Come on, you can handle it. I'm sure you've had much worse than a tie." Yang said. I finally adjust the tie loose enough to where it isn't choking me, then walk in.

Its almost as if the world stopped when I walked in. Everyone stared at my brown cat tail and my dust horns. "What, never seen a tall guy?" I say, walking further into the party. I split off from the group, and pleasantly smile at the rich people who are giving me dirty looks. I turn to one of the faunus waitresses. "Hope you're having a good time." I say to her, giving a wave. She stares in awe while I walk away, presumably wondering how I got in as a faunus. I walk around in my white suit when a woman comes up to me. "Hey animal, get me two drinks for me and my man." I brush past her. Based on her reaction, I have a feeling her name is Karen. "Listen here you filthy faunus!" She grabs my tail and I instinctively stop. "I recommend you let go of my tail. I can't control if I shock you or not." I say, not even looking at her. "I oughta report you to your masters!" She says. "What master." I turn to her, small amounts of light spilling from my eyes. "The only master I know is Headmaster Ironwood. And I don't think he would like it if a guest kept
one of his top students waiting." I say, slightly tilting my head. She lets go and I walk away. Whoo, it took all my willpower not to shock her. I think. I walk over to the meeting room that Ironwood told me to go to.

I take a deep breath, take some anxiety pills and walk in. I take a seat next to Penny. "Councilman Sleet, Councilwoman Camilla." Ironwood says. "Councilwoman Hill would have had a nice ring to it. Though I suppose I should just be grateful I got invited to the table." Robyn says. I give her a nod when she turns around. "Miss Hill, that vigor of yours is precisely why we're grateful to have you with us tonight." Jaques says. "What is she doing here?" Ironwood says. "What we're all doing here, James, addressing the concerns of our Kingdom, which means we have much to discuss." Jaques states. "Indeed. I was hoping we could start by-" Ironwood was cut off by Jaques. "Are we safe with having them here, by the way?" He gestures towards me and Penny. Penny looks down in dismay but I clutch her hand under the table. "I do recall some confusion regarding her involvement with that horrific massacre." Jaques continues. Before I can speak, Ironwood says, "As the official report stated, that footage was doctored. Penny is completely under my control." Ironwood states. "Which I think is concerning, I think." Jaques inquires. I give Penny a slightly tighter squeeze on her hand, giving a glare to Jaques. "And why is he even here?" Jaques says, giving me a dirty look. "For your information, Jaques, and from my experience, Confida'ant is here to guard us and watch for spies. From what I recall, his semblance can sense heat signatures." I was shocked by the sudden defending of me by Robyn. "But enough about what he can do. What can Ironwood do?"

"The fact of the matter is, you've operated with a fair amount of autonomy for the past few years, James. But we need now is for you to work with us." Sleet says. "Sir, I have--" Ironwood is interrupted again by Camilla. "It's obvious that no kingdom intends to declare war on Atlas. We had no involvement in the incident at Haven, we have proof our drones weren't acting on orders at Beacon. At this point, the closure of Atlas borders is only serving to hurt our relations with the rest of the world." She says. They have Ironwood pinned in this conversation. He doesn't want to tell them about Salem but he can't let them kick him out. "I-" Ironwood is cut off by Robyn this time. "The rest of the world? It's hurting us. The people of Atlas are suffering and they want to know why." Never would I thought to see Jaques and Robyn on the same side. "Quite right, Ms. Hill. And I'm afraid there's more than just your choices that have brought harm to our citizens as of late. Have your forces found any additional evidence as to who is slaughtering innocent civilians down in Mantle?" Clover looks at Jaques. "I'm afraid of the ever-growing list of classified information you seem to be keeping. I asked our fellow councilmen here to shed some light on your Amity Colosseum project and, as it turns out, they know about as much as I do." I start tuning out the conversation until Winter slams her fist onto the table. "You can't just buy trust like everything else, you have to earn it!" She says. "I couldn't have said it better myself. General, if I may be blunt, you have spent what little trust this Council had left in you. The hacker who turned Atlas drones against us was never captured, whoever's been murdering your critics is still at large. How are we supposed to give you our trust, when you've given us nothing as of late?" Jaques says with venom in his voice. "That's not what-" "Winter." Ironwood and I say at the same time. "Thats enough." He says. I look down. "Excuse me." Winter says, leaving the room. It saddened me to see my former teammate and someone I looked up to get shut down in a downhill battle, but there wasn't much I can do. Penny gets up and goes after Winter. I place both hands on the table. I wasn't paying attention until Robyn walks up to Ironwood. "Lets settle this with my semblance. Here and now." She outstretches her arm and Ironwood looks at the other councilmen. "Wait!" Weiss says, walking into the room. "You've got the wrong man on trial!" She says, walking to the table. "I know who's been framing Ironwood, who rigged the election. And my father does, too. He's been working with him." I go wide eyed. I knew something was up on how he gained so many votes so fast. Weiss puts a video recording on the table, showing Jaques Schnee in his room talking to disgraced Atlas scientist, Arthur Watts. "Is that Arthur Watts?" Camilla says. "It can't be, he died in the Paladin Incident years ago!" Sleet adds. "W-w-what is this?" Jaques said, clearly fearing the recording. "Play it." Ironwood commands. Weiss taps the play button and it shows Jaques making a deal with Arthur Watts.

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