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Fitz heard voices and he rushed downstairs.  He knew Keefe was here but there was another voice, when he didn't recognize.  He turned the corner to see Keefe and a blond girl who was gaping at the huge house.  Fitz knew exactly who she was immediately, Sophie Foster.

"Hey, pretty big huh?"  He asked coming up from behind her.  Sophie whipped around and studied him, but tripped in the process and landed right in Keefe's arms.

"Whoa Foster easy there," he said as he caught her.  Fitz watched them as anger boiled in his chest, he liked Sophie, he and Sophie were perfect for each other.  

"Tam and Linh are here already," he told them, "Come on Biana wants to play truth or dare," Fitz couldn't help but notice that Sophie froze at the mention of the game.  He walked over to her.  And tucked a blonde strand of hair behind her ear.

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of you," He whispered in her ear.  Sophie didn't move, he gently grabbed her hand and led her up the stairs.  

"Sorry," Sophie mumbled as she tripped for the third time almost knocking Fitz over.  Fitz thought it was cute how flustered she got every time she knocked into him.  He placed a hand under her knees and carried her the rest of the way up the stairs.

When Fitz walked into the rooms there were a bunch of ooooooooooo's from everyone as he placed her on the floor.  "Thanks," Sophie whispered as her cheeks flamed red.  She looks so cute thought Fitz.  He wanted to kiss her so badly, but he withheld, there was no way he was scaring her off.

Fitz noticed Keefe walking towards Sophie.  Keefe slung an arm around her shoulders and smirked at Fitz.  

"So Foster, what to go first,"  Keefe asked her.  Sophie shook her head.

"Fine then I'll go, Fitz truth or dare," Keefe asked.  Dare's with Keefe were dangerous, so he wouldn't dare go down that route.

"Truth," he answered, Keefe looked disappointed, but his signature smirk slowly returned as he thought.

"Okay, tell us why you were carrying Foster," he said.  Sophie turned tomato red.

"She just kept falling down the stairs, I thought it'd just be easier to carry her," he explained.  Fitz noticed that Sophie had scooted closer to him, he wrapped an arm around her waist as he whispered, "Truth or dare?" 

Authors Note - Cliffhanger!  Sorry guys I just had to do it.  And before all you Sokeefe people flip out on me, Sophie hasn't said she liked Fitz yet.  So before you worry, this is only chapter 2 and things could take a major turn.  Stay tuned                                             

                         - Karah

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