wait your serious??

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Remember to go read kuroken_vibez kuroken and kastro oneshots to understand this story!

Contains: self harm and uhh self hate.

Astros pov

As i wait by the gate i see kamiko running up to it. She greets me with a smile and a wave "hey astro! Thanks for waiting bro!" She said in a happy voice

"Y-yeah of course i-id wait." I said trying not to sound nervous. We entered the school and went into the cafeteria. Kamiko got breakfast but i didnt feel like eating so we walked to a table and talked for a bit about school.

"Astro where do you live? Maybe i can come over later" she said in a curious yet happy tone. I thought for a moment about if i could ever even have friends over...maybe since its a girl they wont think I like boys...i mean i know im young and its probably a phase but boys are just so pretty...

"3182 Kantero street" I said slightly smiling i saw her smile widen "i love near there! I live 4843 kantero street!" She said happily it made me smile.

We had to separate as she went to classes and i did as well i had to go to my teacher Mrs. Gontansi's class I hate her so much...

"Youre late astro why are you late?" Mrs. Gontansi asked in a rude tone of voice I started to panic a bit " i-im sorry! I w-was uh e-eating-" i lied i was scared she would call father about me being late but she didnt she just groaned and told me to take a seat. Once done she continued teaching.

Katsus POV

"Haha!" Kanishi (bokuaka child)  yelled out as he ran in the halls and i ran after him. We decided to skip class today because its boring and who ever actually likes class?

Kanishi soon randomly stopped and i ran into him and we both fell "get up now" we heard a voice say assuming it was a teacher we stood up "what are you two doing out of class!?" Mrs. Notisho said in a mad voice...

"Uh we where uhh-" kanishi tried speaking but i cut him off "we where skipping class obviously, what are you blind or just dumb?"

Kanishi sighed and so did mrs. Notisho "alright, go to the principles office now katsu, kanishi you too" she said leaving to her classroom.

As we walked in a awkward silence i couldnt helo but think kanishi was mad at me for saying what I did... "Hey bro i uh gotta go to the restroom- tell the principle that when you get there alright.." I told kanishi and he made a small smile and left i went to the restroom.

I sat in a stall with my knees to my chest crying covering my mouth so nobody else could hear me. I cant help it anymore....im messing uo everyones lives! Kamiko hated me and i always get kanishi in trouble...what am i doing wrong? I try being the best version of myself but im always messing up!


Katsu breathing picked up pace, he clutched into his shoulders and buried his head in his knees crying but bearly making any sound. He was panicking...he never knew how to make others happy he just did what his mind told him to do.

Useless....ugly....weird...selfish...trouble...monster...those are all the names he called himself

"Ugh you monster! Why do you mess up everything! Cant you ever make people happy why do you do everything wrong! Just a stupid mistake..." Katsu whispered yelled at himself not realizing there was someone who entered the restroom.

Someone leaned against the stall door "Hey bro...you arent a monster you are actually a Angel...you make me so happy and everyone else happy. You arent a mistake you make everyone laugh and smile...without you we would be nothing" it was kanishi. He spoke in a calming voice trying to comfort katsu..

The stall door opened and katsu hugged kanishi still slightly crying kanishi was near the same height as katsu andthey shared a tight hug while katsu buried his face between kanishis neck.

After a bit katsu had calmed down a bit they went to the office and sat down. "Katsu, kanishi what you did was wrong but i wont punish you because lets face it we all dislike history class" the principle calmly said and let us go for the period. Afterwards we went to our next class..
~~~~~~~~~timeskip to at atros~~~~~

Astros pov

Me and kamiko made it to my houee i opened the door for her and she walked in. I walked in after and saw my father on the living room couch. He looked mad but when he saw kamiko he made a smile "hello young lady im astros father, who are you?" My father said in a smile and he didnt seem mad.

"Im kamiko! Astros friend!" Kamiko said in her usual cheerful voice

"Y-yeah uh a-anyways we a-are gonna g-go to my r-room" I said as i grabbed kamikos hand and led her to my room on the second floor. Once she was inside i closed the door and sat on my bed.

"S-so uh w-what do you w-wanna do? We c-can draw or w-watch a movie o-on my laptop-" i said trying not to sound nervous. Kamiko smiled "can we draw? Oh and listen to music while we draw!" She said cheerfully. I nodded and reached for my phone.

I played the song 'thats all' by sKitz kraven (dont come at me alright i love this song-) and grabbed 2 sketch books. I did vent art in one of them so i gave the other to kamiko so she could draw.

We spent about 2 hours drawing and singing songs...welll...kamiko sang i was mumbling them. I turned off the music and put the sketch books away. I grabbed my laptop and sat down against the headboard thing of my bed. Kamiko laid next to me.

I put on a movie and we watched it. It was getting late and i didnt want her dads to get mad. "Hey k-kamiko- shouldnt you b-be heading h-home? Its getting l-late" i said stuttering a lot. I hate  when i Sutter

"Oh yeah- well it was nice spending time with you astro. See you soon!" Kamiko said. And with that she left...ugh now to deal with my father...
No pov

"Why did you bring her over!!!? Bet you didnt wanna grt beat thats why huh!" Astros dad yelled when kamiko left. He got a belt and hit astro with it.

"Thats for being a worthless mistake!" He hit astro again "and thats for always ruining everything!"

Astros father hit him again and again and every time he hit him he would say another reason he hated his son.

Astros father grabbed him by his shoulder and lifted him up "you listen to me you dumb bitch go to your room and i dont wanna see you out of it!" With that he dropped astro and astro ran to his room mumbling 'sorry'

Astros pov

When i was in my room i went straight to the bathroom. I grabbed my razor from the cabinet and pulled up my sleeve. I could see fresh wounds and old ones. I cut over some of the old ones and blood started coming out i made new ones and every time i did i said something about me that was a mistake

"Overweighted..." Cut 1

"Stupid..." Cut 2

"Weird...annoying...useless" cuts 3, 4, 5

He pulled up his other sleeve

"Mistake...trainwreck...tiring.." 6, 7, 8

"Fool! Dumb! Forgetful!" 9, 10, 11

No pov

Astro was crying...he couldn't stop crying he threw the blade somewhere in the bathroom. He was on the floor..his back against the wall....he had bandaids in his hands nut he didnt put them on...he didnt have much energy... He got up and took a shower and cleaned the new wounds...

Once out he bandaged it all up and put on his pajamas he wore a grey oversized hoodie and some grey sweat pants. He went to bed and slept..

Anndddd this is proof i could easily finish my kuroken oneshot I just procrastinate hope you liked this sorry its kinda rushed.

Uhhh sorry about mistakes i didnt edit this

Have a good day/noon/night

~my, puppy~ kastro love story katsu x astro Where stories live. Discover now