oh hello there!

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Info: kenma had the children when he was 16 and this is a timeskip to when kamiko and katsu are 11 astro is not one of their kids and again please go read kuroken_vibez story about kastro and their kuroken one to get a better understanding of this

Astros pov

I was running through a flower field in the park near my house i had to get out of it.. Wait...whis that? They look like they are reading.. I dont know if i should go up to them tho... I saw a head turn towards me "hello who are you?" They said closing the book and walking towards me. "H-hi my names a-astro! Who a-are you?" I said stuttering. "Im kamiko! What are your pronouns?" Kamiko said calmly. "Oh I'm a h-he h-him what are y-yours?" I said trying to not be rude.

"She her, how old are you? Do you wanna be friends? What are you doing at the park this late at night?" She said asking lots of questions. And i answered them. "I a-am 10 uh s-sure? And i s-should be asking y-you the same t-thing-" i said trying not to be rude. "Im 11! And yay glad we can be friends also i just like reading in the dark. Its calming i guess...so what are you doing out here?" She spoke being nice

I panicked..i didn't know what to tell her i couldnt tell her the truth...

"Taking a r-run! Uh y-yeah....i like taking runs y'know they are uh good exercise" i said trying to not sound like im lying...which i wasnt..part of it was true...you see I hate how i look i hate looking in the mirror and not liking what i see.

It gets on my nerves so...i stopped eating..and i have been working out a lot. Ive been diagnosed with ED and i hate knowing i have it. My parents dont really care but they make me eat ever so often. Mainly dont care to make me eat until I either pass out or throw up i guess...i think im getting skinnier but i dont see it...its like my body wants me to hate it it wants me to look ugly. I judy wanna rip off my skin! I wanna look good....

No pov

"Oh well do you mind if i run with you? Runs at night are always fun"  kamiko said smiling. Astro didnt wanna be rude so he smiled back "o-ofc course" astro said starting to run going to the track as kamiko followed along they ran for about 30 minutes when kamiko decided to speak up

"oh wow that was fun, hey do you wanna come over some time? It would be nice to have a friend over" kamiko said smiling brightly astro looked shocked...no one ever asked him to go over to there house and he didnt wanna be rude but...

..."im sorry, f-father and m-mother would be m-mad if i go to someone's house a-after school e-even if they k-knew you a-and your p-parents..." Astro said sounding a bit disappointed but kamiko simply nodded

"thats fine...Say, what school do you go to?" Kamiko said being a bit curious "i go to k-kanoshimo elementary s-school im a 4th g-grader" astro said kinda nervously hoping kamiko went to the same school as him. Kamiko got excited and smiled brightly "i go there too! Except well im a 5th grader! I dont see you much do you not roam the halls a lot?" She said kinda curiously

"W-well I dont w-wanna get i-in trouble more or l-less have people l-look at me in t-the halls" astro said being honest to that kamiko nodded

Kamikos pov

"Good to know. Its getting later than i expected and mama and dad might get worried, i should be heading back now good talking to you! Wait for me at the fate tomorrow alright!" I said running off to my house. I cant tell if astro was still at the park or not but i needed to be home.

I opened the door to see mama kenma and papa kuroo standing on the other side with their arms crossed around their chest. "Where have you been young lady" papa said in his normal voice not sounding mad but not sounding regular either...something in between i guess...

"I was out reading in the park, well I actually met a boy, his names astro and he was there running so i ran with him for a while. He goes to my school hes a 4th grader! He seemed nice and i became friends with him!" I said smiling knowing i made a new friend.

"Hm well since you are being honest we wont punish you...but its passed your bedtime so go shower than sleep alright.

Katsu is already in bed." Mama said as i walked up the stares and showered
I got out of the shower and changed into some shorts and a tank top. I went over to katsus room because its usually hard to sleep so I go sleep with him.
(In the sibling way dumbasses)
i entered his room and i saw him sitting on his bed.

"Hey kami, how was your day?" Katsu asked quietly assuming the parents were asleep which they were.

"Its been fine. i made a new friend! Hes nice hes a 4th grader and goes to our school. Anyways enough about my day how waa your day?" I said trying to make him talk about his day.

"After school i just gamed not much to do, i got some victories tho! Also im thinking if starting to stream maybe i can get famous by playing games!!" Katsu sounded excited and determined, which i oh so loved about my brother i mean no matter what he always had a bright attitude. I couldnt help but laugh tho didnt know why...

"Wait...do you think its a stupid dream? Oh god i knew it hah-" katsu said sounding a bit sadder but still...smiling? Well a small smile no teeth showing at all...

"Katsu no! You should try! I mean wasnt mama a streamer? Maybe mama can give you tips! Plus you always should try" i said trying to get him to be happy and know that i want him to try.

"Yeah i guess...anyways we should probably sleep..here" he said handing me a pillow i went to the left of the bed near the wall and pulled the blanket up to my shoulders and drifted off to sleep.

Katsu pov

As i see my sister fall asleep I decided it would be best to sleep too. I wonder about who her new friend is tho. Without another thought I decided to go to sleep. I got under the covers and turned away from kamiko and drifted off to sleep before i fell asleep completely tho i said "goodnight kamiko love ya sis" and went to sleep.

~timeakip to morning~

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I got up and woke kamiko up as well. She shifted out of bed and hugged me "thanks bro i didnt have a nightmare tonight because of you!" Kamiko said as she rushed out of my room and into hers. Thankfully she closed my door and i got changed i walk out of the house realizing she had left already.

Maybe she was meeting her new friend? Dunno...but i headed off to school for another boring day. Hope something cool happens but still this schools as boring as the history of learning about past people...god why do they teach the past..ITS THE PAST we should be focused on the present...


Whats this? A update before monday?? Woahhhhh lmao

Hope you enjoyed this first chapter of astro meeting kamiko dw katsu will meet astro just not until astro is 14.

Hope i didnt bore you with this but next update will either be this upcoming week or the week after because im working on the kuroken book.

Annddddd I might make it to where astro has to act like he has a crush on kamiko near his parents so they don't think he is gay. No he wont like her and she wont like him but kamiko wont know hes gay.

Lmao i dunno what im even doing at this point but uh yeah-

This is not edited so if theres any mistakes uhh tell me ig. I wont fix them because im lazy but still.

Anyways ily all ❤❤ uhm for those who are reading this and read kuroken_vibez book thank you for always boosting my ego and calling me god/king

I have decided my new nickname is king lol just because i like being called god or king (ollie is gonna be my name tho just king is a nickname)

Anyways have a good day/noon/night

~my, puppy~ kastro love story katsu x astro Where stories live. Discover now