What happened to me

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Raven POV
I was watching Hope play with her toys still stunned at what this little girl did. She stopped a whole earthquake just by being scared of it. My powers couldn't even do that,well I wouldn't know if they could cause I never tried. I stood and walked to the balcony. It's been pretty calm lately and there has been no change in the weather. It's just been sunny with a nice breeze. Damian gave the assassins the day off once again while he did his own thing. I decided to check around the base with hope to find Damian, as expected we found him in the weight room except he wasn't working out he was fixing the weights. He looked kinda agitated so I slowly tried to back away but Hope caught sight of  him and made noise catching his attention.

"Hey love" I said walking back towards him handing hope to him. I took her and shifted his weight. I walked to him and rubbed his temples to sooth him and it worked. We walked outside together where the league was enjoying the sun while John was playing with the hose he made a while back. Hope giggled as the cold water hit her black hair as Bruce lightly poured a cup of water on her head to cool her down. Damian handed Bruce his grandchild and went to sit in the chair closest to the shade. Bruce took Hope over to John to play in the water. I took this as one opportunity to test something out so I went back inside towards the room.

"Let's see if my hunch is right"  I said to myself. I placed a rock on the ground and stepped a few paces back. Then I lifted my hand to raise the rock from off the ground and instead of rising nice and calmly the rock went flying into the air cracking the ceiling a little. I looked at my hands in shock. I wondering if giving birth to Hope gave her some of my powers but I gained some new ones.

"Raven are you okay" Damian said walking into the room closing the door behind him. I turned quickly towards him and noticed Hope wasn't with him. I smiled at him and let him hold me. He moved my hair out of the way and kissed the sweet spot on my neck. I needed to tell him about my powers and Hope but that can wait until tomorrow. I jumped on him wrapping my legs around his waist and we had fun.

Love moment( A Damian and Raven story)Where stories live. Discover now