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ian doyle.
emily prentiss was never fond of him. it sucked having to be with him. before she found the bau, she was lost. everyday, that name, that man had haunted her. it shouldn't be important to be thinking about him, at least that's what emily thought. once she found the bau—she thought she could leave those horrific memories behind. until one day, he came back. to protect the team, emily left, unfortunately it was not enough. she got kidnapped, leaving a worried team, and a frightened miss penelope garcia. she adored and cared for everyone. it was hard to find her friend, and she was doing everything in her power to do so. the one who took it the hardest, was the one and only, jennifer jareau. they were the bestest of friends. some thought they were a couple. now that they have figured out who this mystery, ian doyle, was and what he had done—it was time for the hunt. they figured out who "lauren reynolds" was, everything that happened before the bau with prentiss, and much more. they've uncovered truths that probably weren't the greatest truths, but secrets had to be held. the great penelope garcia figured out where they might have taken emily. unfortunately, it was too late.. or so the team thought. emily only told hotch the plan.. to leave if anything bad were to happen, like nearly dying.
(a/n, i know that in the show jj knows too, but i thought it'd be better without her knowing.)
though emily knew jj had a kid, and a husband, she couldn't bear staying and seeing jj with will. sometimes she wonders what it would've been like to be with jj, if she had told her sooner, and she thinks about it all the time. she regrets it. not only is she leaving to protect the team, she was leaving to try and get away from jj. she wanted to run from her problems instead of conquer them. just as prentiss expected, ian was trying to kill her. they got into a harsh, violent fight, resulting in a near death experience for emily. while in the hospital, the team was waiting to hear the results. penelope, spencer, and jj worried the most. derek, rossi, and hotch were trying to not show their concerns as much, but everyone knew there was a lot of concern. the doctor pulled hotch to the side, letting them know that she did flatline, but they stablized her. he gave the insight of the plan, and when returning to the waiting room—the worst words anyone could hear came out of his mouth.

"she never made it off the table."

hotch hated to be the one who had to say it, but as soon as he did, everyone shed a tear. penelope and jj came to comfort each other, but both started sobbing. spencer was in too much of shock, so he had to leave and go home. rossi and derek were left speechless, and eventually left as well. once it was just hotch left, he went back to the room to talk to her.

"are you sure about this?" hotch asked worriedly

"no, but what's life without a risk. i want to keep you all safe, i hate that i'm doing this and i just want this to be over. you know that if he comes back to call me right away... and please, for the love of god, look out for jj. i hate to do this to her of all people." it took a lot of strength to say that, since she was still recovering.

"i will, and i will keep you updated on everything. paris is where you're going, right?"

"yes, and if you ever have free time, which is like never, you can always come take a trip. it's very pretty there" she let a light chuckle, and said her not so final goodbye to hotch.

three days later

it was time for the "funeral" to begin. they felt that it was time. it pained hotch to see the entire team the way they were. spencer started to let his feelings out more rather than bottling it up. penelope was a wreck, a huge wreck. the ones who seemed to be keeping it together were hotch and rossi. the rest of the team was a different story for each. although rossi didn't talk about his feelings much, he knew that he could talk to hotch whenever.

after the funeral, they all parted ways. jj went back home to will and henry. emily on her mind. she knew deep down she had a love for emily, but could never bring herself up to admit to it. she thought that the brunette brown eyed beauty would never feel the same way back. she hated herself for not telling her. all she could think about was how she wasn't there in time. she was in deep thought about the love she had for emily, that was until will broke her out of her thoughts.

"how are you holding up?" he sounded worried, but then again it's sometimes hard to understand him, given his strong heavy southern accent.

"part of me blames myself for not being there in time.. another part blames myself for letting it happen. i wish i could've told h-" she stopped before she slipped anything. "nevermind the last part i forgot what i was going to say.."

though will knew that it was a lie and she had something to say, he let it slide and let her grieve. the best he could do was be there for her. he comforted her, as much as possible, which frankly, was weird and uncomfortable for jj. they seem like the perfect pair, don't they? well, sometimes it's not always perfect.. when will would get drunk, and by drunk i mean he won't remember a single thing in the morning, he'd lose himself. his southern charm would leave and sometimes, he'd abuse jj. it was never physical and verbal at the same time, just one or the other. never knew what to expect. he never hurt henry, no, he loved the boy, but did he still love jj? his drunk actions and words say no, but his sober self says yes.

the only thought in jj's pretty mind, was none other than

emily prentiss.

she missed her, and she hoped one day she'd be the hero she'd been waiting on. she keeps that hope, but would never tell her team about who will lamontagne really was.

sorry if this is bad :(
i haven't written in a really long time.

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