Chapter One

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~This takes place in the first season of Cardcaptor Sakura but the second of lolirock.  Sakura has just got the voice card~

Sakura POV 

"WAKE UP" Kero yelled, as I slept. 

"What is it?" I yawned. Looking up at my floating, yellow and magical friend. 

" It is time for school!" he shouted. I looked up at my alarm clock and it was time for school, on a normal day. But it was not a normal day. My class was taking a trip to Sunny Bay a suburb of Paris. We were leaving today and coming back on saturday morning. The teachers say we were going their because it is smaller than Paris, so we won't get as lost, but we all know it is because it is cheaper. The best part thought was that because of the time jump we were leaving in the afternoon so we only had to be at school from 12:00-12:20.  Then I realized that I forgot to tell Kero!

"Kero, our class is going to france for a trip, and so we don't have to be there until 12" I explained.

" Really, france wow, hey Sakura if you are going that far where's your bag?" Kero asked. 

"AHHH!" I yelled," I forgot to pack!" I said rushing up and packing. 

~Time/space (even though they are the same) skip to the school~ 

" Just made it" said to myself. Kero skirmed in my backpack as I rolled my larger suitcase up to the classroom. 

"Sakura it is awful in here" Kero whispered.

" Sorry kero, you have to be quiet now we are going in" I whispered back. I walked over to Tomoyo. 

"Oh Sakura you look extra cute today!" Tomoyo smiled. 

" It's just my normal school clothes" I said back. I then noticed Tomoyo's huge pile of bags. 

"Thats alot of bags" I said looking at my middle sized suitcase and backpack. Then Li walked in, with out Mailing. He walked over also with a only middle sized suitcase. He seemed in awe that Tomoyo was able to that much. (I call him Li cause easier name to spell)

"Wheres Mailing?" Tomoyo asked. 

"She is home sick, so she won't be coming" Li said.  

"Is she ok?" I asked worried for my friend, even if she could be annoying at times. 

"She is fine just a little cold, but don't want it to get worse" Li told us. 

"That's good" Tomoyo said," I am so excited to practice my french,  but even more excited to film Sakura in a brand new place!" Tomoyo continued.  Then the teacher walked in. 

" OK class time to go, now when we get there make sure to behave, we have some french girl that will help us out. Keep in mind they only speak french so you will have to use the skills you have learned in class. Now time to go." said the teacher, that sadly was not out normal teacher. And we all made our way to the airport. 

Iris POV 

" Guess what guys!" I said excitedly to my friends.

"OK, umm, ummm I got nothing" Auriana said. 

"OK, I can't hold it in anymore! I volunteered us to help show around some kids from Japan" I giggled, what I expected to hear we giggles of joy, but there was nothing. 

"Iris Carissa and I just learned how to read and write in this earth language, how will we learned a whole other on?" Lyna asked. Carissa nodded. And she did have a good point the two were new to earth. 

" Don't worry they are partly taking this to help them learn french, so no worries. And we will stick together but each us us will have on kid to really watch. So we will be in a group of five but we only really have to get to know one girl or boy. Sound good?" I smiled.  All the girls but Talia nodded.   

" I don't know Iris what if the twin attack while we are with the kids?" Talia asked. 

"Don't worry Talia" Auriana said. Talia closed her eyes. 

"Fine" she said in consent.   

"Yes!!" We all cheered.                      

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