Chapter Thirty Six.

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"So." The doctor said, stepping into the small room. "Thankfully, your eyesight is not extremely bad, but you will need glasses." He said, turning to face Aubrey as he spoke. "This means you have mild myopia. I am concerned as to why this was not addressed earlier, was there any problems with money?"

"No, Aubrey didn't live with us before this." Mr. Michal said to the doctor in his strangely loud voice. "I don't think she would have had enough access to medical care while moving around."

Aubrey looked away, and focused on the window outside. It was a truly beautiful day, as far as she could see. Get it? Because... ah nevermind.

"So I'm nearsighted?" She asked, and the doctor nodded. "Eye see..." Aubrey's said with a grin.

Mr. Michal chuckled, and the doctor made a small smile.

"I suggest you pick up the prescription glasses soon after this. I am sure there are some relatively cheap ones at the town's Walmart. Aubrey nodded and picked up her book. She had no trouble seeing things that were close to her, only things far away.

"Thank you, have a wonderful day sir."

"Too you as well." The doctor responded.

Aubrey and Mr. Michal walked out of the office and to the car. She sighed and opened her phone to check her email. Ever since she had gotten a phone with the email ability at her last foster home, she had been using it left and right. Nothing from her friends at the moment. She decided not to tell her friends about her needing glasses quite yet, as that could probably be addressed later on. Or you know, never.

"Hey kiddo. What's on your mind?"

"Nothing much. Sorry for the cornea puns." He smiled at her and rolled his eyes.

"No need to roll your eyes at me!"

"You think you're so funny..." He said with a goofy grin.

"Well there's no need to lash out at me."

"Har har."

"Guess we will get the prescription tomorrow?" She asked, looking down at the paperwork. Mr. Michal nodded. "Want to get some ice cream?"

"Do you really need to ask?"

"Not really I guess."

"Then let's go."


Aubrey sat in the car the next day, staring at the glasses. They were basic black horn rimmed glasses with her correct prescription lenses. She didn't want to put them on.

Not one bit.

"Oh!" Her mom said, looking over at the steadily approaching house. "It seems James is at the house."

"What?!" Aubrey cried, snapping her head up from the glasses.

"James is at the house. Oh, that's so wonderful! He will be able to see your new glasses."

"No!" She yelped, burying her face in her hands. "No! No! No! No! NO!"

"What's the matter dear? You look good with them on!"

"No!" She squeaked, blushing ever so slightly. Her mom laughed and smiled warmly at Aubrey.

"Come on, just put it on my child. I am sure it looks wonderful on you dear." Aubrey hesitantly put them on. Aubrey could say with absolute certainty that she looked... Like a nerd with glasses. All she needed now was braces. "I look ridiculous." Her mom laughed and shook her head.

"Aubrey, you look amazing."

"I look like a nerd." Her mom smiled at her, and parked the car at their house. She saw James and Leon come out of the house, and she groaned and pulled her sweatshirt's hood over her head., and got out of the car.

"Hey Aubrey! Leon and Carter have been going on about a surprise or-" He froze, staring at her. She resisted the urge to dive back into the car and never come out again.

"Wow." He said softly. "You look-"

"Like a dork!" Leon interrupted, with a grin.

"You look cute." James finished, shooting a glare at Leon.

"Dork." Leon insisted.

"A cute dork."

Aubrey laughed, feeling a lot more calm. She realized how glad she was that James was here. "Thanks James." She said with a smile, and he smiled back.

"Will you two just kiss already?" Leon said with an annoyed eye roll.

Aubrey stepped on his foot, earning a glare from him. It seems that Leon was back to normal. Although, he hasn't stolen or destroyed any of Aubrey's personal items, so that has to count for something.

"Oh hi Aubrey!" Carter said, stepping out of the house. "Ooh your classes look marvelous! You look a little different, but such as human nature to be surprised by changes." Aubrey grinned at him, and ruffled his light blonde hair. Carter squeaked and flattened his now messy hair.

"Let's head inside, hm?" Aubrey, Leon, and Carter's mom asked, opening the front door for them.

"Let's." Aubrey said, walking into the door with James right next to her. "What's up with Eliana?" Aubrey asked James curiously, "I haven't heard from her in quite a few days. James looked away from her, fiddling with a silver ring on his finger.

"She's just been a bit busy recently."

"Busy doing what?" He went quiet for a minute. "That's not for me to say."

Aubrey nodded, not wanting to be rude or pushy. She did want to know if she was okay though, Eliana was her friend as well, after all. Aubrey was concerned to say the least.

"She's okay." James said, his voice softening. Aubrey smiled warmly at him.

"Hey Aubrey?" Her mom asked. "Can you come over here? I just need your help in the kitchen."

"Of course." Aubrey said, getting up to head to the kitchen. "One second." She said to James as she walked in.

"What do you need?" She asked, looking around for a chore to do. "Oh I just wanted to ask you something." Aubrey frowned at the strange look her mother was giving her. "Oh, uh what's the question?" Aubrey turned and took a sip of the water on the counter, staring at her mom. Aubrey's mom cleared her throat awkwardly. "Um, are you and James... dating?" Aubrey immediately choked on her water, proceeding to have a coughing fit in the kitchen.

"Because if you are, we should talk to your doctor for the proper protection necessary-"

"Mom." She managed to choke up, wiping her mouth. "Shut up."

"I'm just saying! I know that when your a teen, you have certain urges-"

"Shut up mom." She said, slightly louder.

"Okay! I'll take it you aren't dating him?"

"No!" She cried, making her mom laugh nervously.

"Okay! Sorry." She said with a knowing smile, then shooed Aubrey out of the kitchen.

Aubrey shook her head, and walked up to her bedroom.

"What was that all about?" James asked, looking up from the comic Carter was currently showing him. Aubrey chuckled nervously, scratching the back of her neck.

"You do not want to know." 

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