Chapter Two

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"Where are we going to fucking stay?!"

Mia and Sofi stared at each other in the light of a street lamp, the two of them bringing a hand up to slap themselves on the forehead.

"Aww shit I didn't even think about that" Sofi cursed stupidly, pacing up and down the lit sidewalk while Mia just watched in silence.

"Maybe we could rent out an apartment or something with the money from your quirk? I think that's probably the easiest thing I can think of right now" The heterochromia eyed teen continued, stopping in front of her blue eyed friend with a tired sigh.

"Yeah.....yeah I think that's the best way to go" Mia let out a relieved sigh, looking around the darkened streets warily.

Sofi nodded towards her best friend and began walking up to a twenty-four hour tuck shop close to a large primary school surrounded by a first full of beautiful Sakura trees.

"Alright let's just look for a newspaper with a rentable room on it, simple!" Mia cheered, zooming right into the small tuck shop with a giddy grin on her face.

The two teens pick out some interesting looking newspapers and threw themselves down on the floor, seating themselves down on the floor to look through the papers. Their eyes scanned the small black font words carefully, trying to spot a good looking place to rent out until they could find out a way to get home.

"Oh! Look at this one! It looks pretty good to me!" Mia called out, tapping Sofi on the shoulder to grab her attention.

Sofi looked over her shoulder to take a look at the paper thst Mia was holding in front of her face with a gleeful manner. The picture of the apartment wasn't amazing but it wasn't awful either, the walls looked like they could use a new coat of paint and the furniture definitely needed to be replaced. Overall though the place looked perfect in Mia's eyes, so Sofi smiled and took the paper into her own hands, her own heterochromia eyes scanned the address of the cheap apartment.

"Yeah ok, this looks good to me" the tired girl let out a low whistle, watching Mia as she jumped up in the air with an ecstatic smile making its way onto her face.

"Great let's go then!" Mia cheered once more grabbing Sofi's hand, dragging her out of the tuck shop and out into an alley.

"Now use that Sling Ring of yours! Maybe it works if the place is located around this dimension" the teen spoke out again in a hopeful manner, her eyes glimmering in determination.

Sofi nodded in response, raising her hand that was occupied by the Sling Ring. She made circular movements with her hand, watching as a fiery red portal began to form before her brightly shining eyes. And there it stood in all of its fiery glory, the Sling portal.

"Ladies first" Sofi bowed her head, signaling Mia to step into the fiery red portal.

"Heck yeah I'm a queen!" Mia full on dived into the portal, grabbing Sofi's hand last second, pulling her in with her. Sofi yelped as the two of them both landed on fuzzy luscious green grass, the portal quickly disappearing into thin air.

Mia laughed jumped back up onto her feet while Sofi clutched onto her friends arm in fear. "You could have given me a warning you nincompoop!" The heterochromia eyed girl pushed away from her blue eyed friend with a scowl.

Mia's eyes narrowed as she looked her friend straight in the eye.

"Spitting out new words now are we Miss Shitty-Glasses?" Mia teased with a sly grin on her face.

"Noo! I don't like that nickname! And I'm not even wearing my glasses!" Sofi screeched, punching Mia's shoulder roughly with a pout.

The sound of someone clearing their throat caught the two girls attention.

The glowing of the red lights      《A Tokyo Ghoul / My hero academia story》Where stories live. Discover now