Chapter 29: Pushover's And Embarrassment

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Aoba Johsai POV

"One more!" Hinata called running back to his spot, Oikawa smiled and nodded, which caused the team to sigh

After they ate they still had some time, so they went to the gym to start integrating Hinata into practicing with them. However......Hinata and Oikawa were not syncing together. And while they are both staying calm, everyone could tell it was eating at them. They had been trying for over an hour now, and no matter what they did it just didn't work.

"Come on guys, that's enough for today." Iwaizumi said walking over and stopping them before they could try again.

"Bu-" Oikawa started but was cut off

"No." Iwaizumi said crossing his arms

"Please Iwaizumi, just one more?" Hianta asked, big puppy dog eyes staring up at him, Iwaizumi faltered a little "Please!!!!" Hinata asked again, and to the teams surprise, he won

"Fine. Only one more and then we go." Iwaizumi sighed as Hinata cheered

"Iwaizumi who knew you were such a pushover." Oikawa said grinning at Hinata as ran back to his spot, which was why he didn't see it coming. "Iwa-chan Mean!" Oikawa shouted holding his head

"Shut up Shittykawa, hurry up so we can clean up." He said walking back over to were the team was

"He's right Iwaizumi, when it comes to Hinata you're such a pushover." Matsukawa said grinning

"Who knew he was such a softy right?" Hanamakki said as he through his arm over Matsukawa's shoulder, they both got a glare from Iwaizumi but ended up just laughing it off with the rest of the team

Hinata gave a nod and Watari tossed the ball to Oikawa, who sent a nice easy set to Hinata, who was running up and watching the ball. For a second it was like time had slowed. Hinata jumped, holding form till the ball was right in front of him, and then swung at full strength. The ball hit the floor with a loud bam, and they all stared in silence as Hinata gracefully landed. They did it, it took over an hour but they had finally landed on. The team erupted in cheers rushing over to the mates, who had ran and high fived each other.

"Great job Shouyou!" Oikawa said, smiling as he ruffled the younger's hair.

"Your toss was so amazing Oikawa! It went like zoom straight to me, and I hit it, and then it went bam on the floor. It was so great!!" Hinata was yelling excitedly with the brightest smile he's had yet and stars in his eyes, causing Oikawa to blush at his excitement "Let's do it again!" He said turning to go to his spot

"OI! No more." Iwaizumi yelled and Hinata frowned but nodded, before going and moping around as he picked up balls

"Wow Iwaizumi way to kill his happiness." Oikawa said, he was trying to make it sound teasing but it wasn't completely playful

"Shut it Shittykawa and help clean up." Iwaizumi said, hitting Oikawa as he too went to pick up balls.

Iwaizumi did feel bad that he ruined Hinata's fun, but it was late and they had been practicing too long already. There was always tomorrow, and so they cleaned up and went back to their room.

Hinata POV

As I got changed for bed I couldn't stop thinking about how great it felt to hit the ball. It was so great. I had been getting really worried when after an hour I couldn't do it, but we did it. I cant wait till tomorrow, I really wanted to hit some more now but Iwaizumi was right we all needed to go to bed.

With the thought of sleeping, my conversation with Oikawa from this morning came to mind. I could feel myself flush a bit as I remember, I asked him if he wanted to try sleeping together. Oh my gosh and everyone is going to see it. What was I thinking!?! It had just been nice when he had come over last night, I hadn't been able to sleep, and then he was there and I could. Plus while I have been sleeping most nights it's normally really crappy. But to think we're gonna share a bed. I can't believe this..........

"Shouyou you ready for bed?" Oikawa asked, coming up behind me and holding me, I jumped at his touch "Is something wrong?" He asked

"N-no!" I squeaked

"Shouyou...." He said, turning to face me, he was frowning, "What's wrong?"

"N-nothing...." I said and he frowned more, studying me and then he seemed to find his answer

"Is it about sleeping together?" He asked, I could feel my cheeks warm up more, this was so embarrassing, my reaction was all the answer he needed "Shouyou if you don't want to do this we don't need to, I don't want you to force yourself to do this." He said, his eyes and voice so caring and calm

"I-I-..." I tried but it was hard, I knew it was for the best that we did this but it was so embarrassing but we had I wanted to "..I-I w-want t-o..." I whispered out

"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded "Okay......come on then...."

Oikawa took my hand and led me over to my futon, I tried my best not to think too much about it. It was fine, nothing to be embarrassed about, I'm just going to sleep. I've slept next to him before, this is nothing new. I just needed to calm down. Who cared if our team was watching our every move, nope not me, it was all just fine........

After Oikawa layed down I only hesitated slightly before joining him, though I laid at the far edge so I wasn't touching him. He sighed and scooted a bit closer, reaching out and pulling me to him so I was laying on his chest. I could hear his steady heart beat, though it was a bit faster than I thought it'd be, was he nervous to?

"Shouyou calm down...." He said running his fingers through my hair "Nothings gonna happen so please relax." He said, his other hand wrapping around me and rubbing my back

I tried to do as he said, taking a few deep breaths. I let myself relax into him, focusing on his hand rubbing my back and the other running through my hair. Listening to his steady heartbeat and breathing. Taking deep breaths of his calming scent. I calmed down and nuzzled into him. Now that I wasn't being so nervous, I could truly appreciate being held by him, it was so nice, and soon I was falling asleep. I always fell asleep quickly when he held me, probably because I felt so safe and protected.....

Oikawa POV

Shouyou was a nervous wreck over sleeping together. He was panicked for no reason really, not one I could tell at least, we had slept together before......but then again we were now also in a room full of people.....So maybe I wasn't doing that good either. When I asked him if he was sure about this I held my breath, sighing in relief as he said he did. I was so afraid he would change his mind, but him saying he wanted to also made me more nervous

Once he said he wanted this, I guided him to his futon, laying down first and waited for him to join. He only hesitated slightly before doing so. Though I had to bite back a laugh as he laid as far away as possible while still being in the futon. When he didn't move any closer I sighed, scooching over and then pulling him towards me so he was laying on my chest. He was tense and I could smell his agitation. Running my hand through his hair helped but didn't fix it completely, so I wrapped my other arm around him and rubbed his back too.

"Shouyou calm down....Nothings gonna happen so please relax."  I tried, though I wasn't exactly calm either....

I felt extremely flustered, my heart beating fast in my chest and I knew I was blushing. Having him close to me and knowing we would stay like this was doing things to me. I wanted to hold him tighter and kiss him. I wanted to cause his beautiful blush to get darker. And to turn his slowly calming breaths into pants as I kissed him.....among other things. I wanted him. And not just to sleep next to....... But I couldn't have him like that, not now maybe not ever....... So I forced myself to calm down too, to take slow steady breaths that he matched. And slowly I calmed down.

Shouyou relaxed into me and now that he was calm he was out like a light, looking down at him I wasn't surprised, he looked exhausted. Between not getting good rest and the nightmares he was probably running on fumes. I nuzzled into his hair, taking deep breaths of his scent and closed my eyes. Falling asleep was hard, I didn't want to go to sleep, because when I woke up he would leave my arms and I really just wanted to hold him forever. But I did go to sleep, my own exhaustion taking over. My last thoughts of how wonderful it was to hold wonderful mate that I love.

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