Chapter 14:

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PART IV: Dreams Do Come True

I WOKE UP questioning whether our conversation had really happened or not. Amy quickly settled that when she whispered into my ear, "I'm so excited for after school," on our way out the door to the bus. I was really unfocused that day, to the point it was ridiculous. I almost ended up with detention with one teacher, but thankfully he decided I should be given a break for a bad day since I was one of his best students. He also knew that my grandfather had the heart attack. I think he just thought I was distracted by that.

Amy and I talked like normal through the day, but there was something different. I think it was just the sheer fact that she now knew my deepest darkest secret. I had decided that morning that I could do one of two things; live in constant fear that she would tell someone, or I could trust her to be my friend. I had decided I would do the second. I was sure she wouldn't let me down.

I had several people try and give me a hard time with the Barbie bit that day, but I just brushed them off. Something about having the unconditional friendship of one of the coolest girls in school put me at ease. I also just honestly didn't care – as long as I wasn't getting beat up I was okay. The nice thing is that people still remembered the incidents with Matt and Jeff, and even with them thinking I was a 'sissy,' they were too scared to risk messing with me. Boy if they only knew how much of a wimp I really was...

Finally the end of the day came and we got on the bus to go home. As we went in the door we heard the phone ringing. Amy hurried over to it and talked to her mom for a couple minutes. Apparently her mom was calling to say that she was running late, and she wouldn't be home till six that night. That was the time when her dad normally came home too, but he was in court and wasn't expected to come home until at least then tonight.

"Okay then, shall we go upstairs?" Amy asked. I could tell she was really excited.

I was excited too – and nervous... really nervous. But I decided to throw caution to the wind and say, "Okay!" She and I raced upstairs and went straight into her room.

"Okay, first thing's first. We need to get you into the right type of underwear!" She went to her dresser and dug through her drawer and brought out two items. I just kind of stood there wondering if I was in a dream. "Okay, here is a pair of panties that should fit you, and one of my training bras. Go put them on in the bathroom and then put on my robe. It's hanging on a hook on the door. Okay?"

"Oh-oh-okay." I stammered. I did as she said and removed all of the clothes I had on before pulling the panties up my legs. Wow... They weren't like some sort of exotic type of panty, they were just cotton, but they had a different type of elastic, and... they just felt different. I finished putting them on quickly and fought for a few minutes to get the bra fastened. After several tries I managed to get it fastened properly.

My image beckoned in the mirror and I looked at myself with girls' underwear on. Instantly it was like I suddenly recognized myself and how I was supposed to look. I smiled and giggled. I couldn't believe it was finally happening!

I found Amy's robe hanging on the door as she said, put it on, and tied the belt in front of me. At that moment I took a deep breath, looked at myself in the mirror again, and then went out to her room. "You look great already!" She told me. "What do you want to try on first?" She asked me pointing to a bunch of clothes hanging up around the room. Clearly she had her ideas of how I should dress.

I looked around and saw a dress that I just had to see myself in. "How about that dress?" I said pointing to a dress that must have been Amy's Easter dress this year. It wasn't extremely frilly, most of the dresses that girls wore in our grades weren't frilly so that didn't surprise me... but it was a dress!

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