Chapter 10:

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THE NEXT WEEK-and-a-half passed by quickly, and the next thing I knew we were showing up at the school at 7am Thursday morning to travel to another school in Albuquerque for our band competition. We were supposed to warm up at 8:45, so we were leaving early enough to get there. Mrs. Remar said it would take about forty-five minutes to get to the host school. I got on the bus and sat down next to Nikki.

We were all dressed identically, both the guys and girls, when we got on the bus. Everyone had on black slacks, white button up shirt, black bow tie, and a dark blue vest. A couple students had complained about the uniform, but everyone was wearing it since Mrs. Remar wouldn't let you go if you didn't. And, when someone made the mistake of saying they didn't care, everyone learned that if you didn't go you had to do a huge research paper to make up the grade. There weren't any complaints after that!

We were all fairly excited when we got on the bus, but within about twenty minutes the bus had quieted down a lot. Nikki and I kind of dozed off only to be woken up by Mrs. Remar standing up at the front of the bus.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we're getting close to the school where we're going to perform. There are a few things that we need to take care of before we get there though. When we get off of the bus everyone must have their shirt tucked in and their bow ties on. No one will get off the bus until I tell you to do so though." She said sternly.

"Anyone that has long hair will need to put their hair up into a ponytail with some of this ribbon," she was holding up a roll of thick blue ribbon, "before we get there. I know that some of you ladies have already done your hair into other styles, but I want everyone to have their hair the same for longer hair. Any questions?"

She seemed to be looking at me as if I was going to put up a fight about my hair. I looked back respectfully and she said, "Then I will come down the bus with the ribbon, please help each other get your hair the way it should be. Thanks."

Did this apply to me I wondered. Nikki answered that for me, "Brandon can I do your hair?"

I was kind of flabbergasted. I was going to get to have my hair the same way as the girls and not get in trouble for it. I couldn't believe this was happening again to me.

"Umm... I guess if I have to?"

I put on kind of an annoyed face for show as Mrs. Remar handed me a piece of ribbon. She handed one to Nikki too. "This needs to be tied into a bow around your ponytail. Nikki, if you can do Brandon's hair, and maybe Jessica can do yours."

"Okay Mrs. Remar," Nikki said.

When she had walked back a few seats Nikki giggled a bit. "I've wanted to see you with your hair in a ponytail for a while now! This'll be fun. Do you have a hair brush?"

"Yes," I replied.

"Then get it out and turn around." She ordered. I grabbed it from my backpack and turned around so she could do my hair. Several of the girls that were nearby all started to help Nikki fuss with my hair. Before I knew it I could feel that sensation of my hair being held up in the air by something.

"Here," Jessica said as she handed me a mirror. I looked at myself and couldn't tell the difference between me and the girls on the bus. The best thing was that it wasn't even my own idea! They had even tied it up really high in a girl's style. Could life get any better?

"You look cute." Nikki said.

"Umm... Thanks." I replied.

The girls did Nikki's hair, and then they started pressuring me a bit. "Brandon, you have to let us play with your hair on the way back home!" Jessica said.

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