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"You could be on the other side of the earth, and still be the closest to me."




I wanna go home.

"C'mon, just twenty more!"

"M-Mirio, I'm e-exhausted..." I muttered before letting my body finally drop onto the cold gym floor.

"L-Let's take a b-break already..." I pleaded, my arms and legs like noodles as a result of nonstop training.

"Alright, alright!" Mirio finally gave in, picking himself up from his push-up position to sit upright.

"Sorry if this routine's a bit harsh!"

"T-Torture is a m-more fitting w-word..."

My friend laughed at my remark as I slowly got up into a cross-legged sit. "Sorry, Tamaki!" He patted my shoulder to which I winced.

"I'm just so hyped, y'know!? UA's entrance exams are like a week away!" Mirio beamed.

"S-Stop reminding m-me." I shivered. "I d-don't want to even t-try guessing what we'll be doing..."

"You'll do just fine. With a quirk like yours, I know you'll pass with flying colors!"

"I-I think otherwise."

"Aww, don't be like that! Let's hope for the best." He threw me a thumbs-up encouragingly.

"B-But is it really that n-necessary to not use our phones in the m-meantime?" I frowned as I asked.

"It's b-been too many weeks since I last t-talked with (Y-Y/N)..."

"Aww, d'you miss her?" The blonde shot me a teasing glance.

"N-No! W-Well, I mean, y-yes.. but not l-like t-that..." I could feel my cheeks heat up despite just saying it weren't like that.

"I'm just messing with you!" Mirio laughed. "And she did say she supports you anyways, so no biggy."

It's true. (Y/N) almost didn't seem to mind when I informed her of our new hectic training routine, which included no phones until after the exams.

But even if she assured me it's alright, I still feel really guilty for not being able to keep in touch.

"A-Again, is it really n-necessary..?"

"Yes, Tamaki!" Mirio huffed.

"How are we supposed to focus on preparing for the exams if we have an easy distraction such as phones!?"

"We're trying to get into UA, the top hero academy in all the world!" The blonde overdramatically exclaimed.

I guess some sacrifices need to be made in order to get to such a high goal...

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