High school love

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Story requested by: Sahiputh

Let's go back in time. Charlie is just a very popular guy in the school and your a nobody. All the girls in your school had a crush on him. What happens when he chooses you over the others?


You sat down at my seat and looked around the class. Everyone were busy doing there own work. The popular girls sat around Tiffany, a very popular girl. Other other girls stood in the corner, staring and giggling at a few boys. Some others were throwing paper balls and one another.

As the door opened everyone stopped talking and looked towards the door. Even you looked as Charlie entered the class. He walked across the classroom and sat next to you. He slowly turned his head towards you and mouthed a 'Hi'. You replied with a smile.

Tiffany and the other girls stared at you. Then they slowly walked towards Charlie as Tiffany lead the way.

"Hey Charlie! Want to sit beside me? I'll be of much more help that this dumb ass" Tiffany said as she put her hair behind her ear. " No thank you. I kinda feel good here." he said as he looked at you and smiled. You smiled back at him and then looked up at Tiffany who was already staring at you. You looked away.

"That's fine darling. Just know that you can come to me any time" Tiffany said as she placed her hands on Charlie's shoulder.

He slowly lifted her hand for his shoulder and dropped it. " Let's just hope that day won't come." Tiffany raised her eyebrows and walked away. She never understood why Charlie liked sitting right next to you, neither did you. He was the most popular guy in the school yet he chose to sit beside you, a nobody.

The fact that Charlie always sat next to never made anything better. You were always hated by most girls, especially Tiffany.

After class I walked out of the classroom towards my locker when I heard someone call my name. " Hey Y/N don't mind Tiffany. She's just... I don't know... Jealous? Just ignore whatever she says."

"Yah.... Yah... Ok..." you say nervously. Both of you stood in the hallway staring at each other for sometime."I have to go now.... Bye...." You looked at him as he turned and started walking away.

Charlie never understood why it was so difficult to talk to you. Every time he tries to talk, he forgets what he wanted to tell you.

You slowly walked back to your locker when you notice someone putting a poster which said
'Homecoming dance'. Every year at this time you would be at home alone while the others danced with their partners. It's not like you didn't try to ask someone, but whoever you ask, either would straight away reject you or would say they already had a date.

You expected the same this year too. But this time you wouldn't go around asking everyone. Tiffany would obviously convenience Charlie to go with her so you had absolutely no luck. Or maybe that's what you thought.

The next day at school, every one were chit chatting about the homecoming dance as you sat on your seat by yourself. When Charlie entered the class, Tiffany went to him and asked him if he would be her date." I already have a date." he said.

"And who's that batch?"

Charlie looked and you. You looked confused. " No.. No.. Wait" you heard Tiffany say as Charlie moved closer to you. " Hey Y/N! Would you like to be my date?" You were very happy and expected immediately. He blushed and sat next to you smiling.

Tiffany was angrier than ever. No one ever rejected her. She always got whatever she want but today was different for both her and you.

*At the day of the party*

You looked stunning in Charlie's eyes as you opened the door. You wore a light blue gown. Your brown hair was tied up into a beautiful bun. While Charlie wore a Dark blue with a blue tie. Both of you looked beautiful.

He held a bouquet of rose and handed it to you. You hummed a small thank you and gave the flowers to your Mum. She took a few pictures and then finally let you go.

"Enjoy darling!" your mom said as she closed the door. Charlie's mom drove you to the party.

When you entered the party with Charlie all eyes were on you. You could see Tiffany standing with a random boy at the corner of the hall.

All of Charlie's friends greeted you. They were very sweet and nice though they were the popular ones. When the music was played you guys started dancing. It was the best night ever. Then the time came when they called out the 'best couple' in the crowd.

You couldn't believe your ears when they called out yours and Charlie's names. Literally it was the best night ever.

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