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WARNING: SOME OF YOU MAY FIND THIS VERY TRIGGERING. BE CAREFUL. DON'T FOLLOW IN MY FOOTSTEPS. SUICIDAL THOUGHTS ARE BAD. Remember that I am always here, I understand, please please please PM me if you're going through anything like that. 

Also, to all my dear friends, don't worry, I'm not suicidal anymore, this was a couple years back.

I'm dragged down,

I'm going under

And this time you're noT there

What have i done?

To you

To me

To everyone.

It happens every time

I'm stuck 

With no one here

No one to rely on


It hits so hard

And I really want to

How hard would it be to just cut it?

One simple stroke

Across my throat

Gone, no more suffering

But I just can't

I'm scared

I know it's wrong.

Trying to get the courage

And then finally goodbye.

No feelings, no life

A perfect version of heaven

I've finally been dragged all the way down 

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